Neverwinter Nights Multiplayer Server 24x7 Now with NWN and NWN:EE
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Thank you Eriniel !!!!

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Thank you Eriniel !!!! Empty Thank you Eriniel !!!!

Post  GM_ODA Tue Sep 25, 2018 5:30 am


Eriniel recently told me that she was getting MUCH higher heat generated with her computer with NWN:EE than with NWN (and several other software simultaneously running) - and is trying to suss why that is (though to some extent I'd wager it is Beamdog that needs to sort it out).

That said, you can understand why we are seeing even less of Eriniel on the EE server than we did on the NWN server (which is where I'll be meeting Eriniel until further notice).

Eriniel sorted out the EE issue that crashed us on reboot and restarted the server so we can all go back to playing as usual. Given we'll not see much of Eriniel on the EE server for a while, I thought it might be nice to open this thread so anyone who feels the urge to do so can thank Eriniel for all her help.

I'll start us off.

Rolling Eyes ... What a Face ... cheers THANK YOU ERINIEL!!!!

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Thank you Eriniel !!!! Empty Re: Thank you Eriniel !!!!

Post  joo3 Tue Sep 25, 2018 9:29 am

Many thanks to Eriniel!

The work on the server is phenomenal, there is truly no equal on the net for unique modules of this level. It's always a pleasure exploring and figuring things out.

Thank you!
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Thank you Eriniel !!!! Empty Re: Thank you Eriniel !!!!

Post  BenevolentDevil Tue Sep 25, 2018 10:24 am

Superspectacular awesome!!! Erin rocks!
Much love sent to the Island!!!

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Thank you Eriniel !!!! Empty Re: Thank you Eriniel !!!!

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