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Any Merchants Not in Working Condition

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Any Merchants Not in Working Condition  Empty Any Merchants Not in Working Condition

Post  Aldior Sat Sep 29, 2018 4:42 pm

There is a bowyer shop in mid Donnel - northwest building. Aldarmaronad is shop keeper who says pick something from the displays but nothing at all comes up in them. Could that be investigated? Thanks

Posting Knave

Male Number of posts : 11
Registration date : 2018-06-15

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Any Merchants Not in Working Condition  Empty Re: Any Merchants Not in Working Condition

Post  GM_ODA Sat Sep 29, 2018 6:47 pm

Friend Aldior,

MANY THANKS for reporting the broken merchant. I'll look at it for next update.

Everyone else, please add to this thread with any merchant oddities you find.
Forum Oracle

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Any Merchants Not in Working Condition  Empty Re: Any Merchants Not in Working Condition

Post  BenevolentDevil Sat Sep 29, 2018 8:54 pm

I know there's a few in dorhal that don't have anything in them, yet ... cobblers, purse maker, rope merchant has a list, but no silk rope, and only gives you one set length actually ...
I just can't recall exact locations atm.
All the merchants, besides fishmonger, and cheesemonger are empty in Vestalla

// Aidor, Also I'm sorry I missed ya on, ... I was afk for a long while at the time Wink happens quite a bit, at the most inconvenient of time ... either that, or I was engaged/immersed in RP, I truly couldn't run Bav around the last two to three game days , lol.
Forum Courtier

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Any Merchants Not in Working Condition  Empty Re: Any Merchants Not in Working Condition

Post  Cyan Mon Nov 19, 2018 6:23 pm

Wandering (Outdoor Merchants):
Meatvendor (wandering)-Dialogue works, but when trying to purchase Venison, I got  2 'Fresh Beef' (For a strange amount of coin- I'll post the chat log snippet below). Works fine otherwise.
Chat Log:
Fishmonger (wandering)- I believe works fine. I didn't check all options but He gave me fresh trout when I asked for it.

Port Algrada:
No Stores to Check (Tradehaus empty)

South Algrada:
Cobbler's- Empty
Bakery- Old Style 'What Category would you like to see'. No Inventory.
Bookseller-One NPC, Deloblad Stannese, replies: NO SPECIAL MATCHES-DEFAULT CONVO BRANCH START. He Also spawns behind the exit. The actual Bookseller (I presume), Dremolish Kenwood, has the Old Style merchant menu and no inventory. (The building in general seems to be empty- also the door the transition is connected to on the inside locks, trapping you inside). 

Mid Algrada:
Armourer- Works! New style, display case inventory. Hasn't got much to sell yet, but functional- When Leaving I did get a 'Vital Data missing from store' message and Khalil was the one to say 'Come Again'.(Although Currently it seems if you give him an item to repair he will not give it back. I have lost a Tower Shield+2 to him).
Cheesemonger- ? Was locked all day.

North Algrada:
Vinter: (Cork Bobs Fine Wine)- Old Style store, no inventory.
Bakery: Pastry Baker- Old Style store, no inventory.
Buckle Maker- Buckle Up! NPC Buckle Maker has Old Style Store, no inventory, but the room seems set up for the new style display case style. Has 'Vital Data missing from Shop, message on leaving.
Cobbler- No Merchant
Tailor- Working! Low on inventory, but working. (This one sells clothes, rather than the other type of tailor that lets you summon a tailor dummy)

(I'll check the other areas later. Got 'distracted' by roleplay.)
Posting Knave

Number of posts : 15
Registration date : 2018-11-04

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