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Elf feet, or followed by a T-rex?

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Elf feet, or followed by a T-rex?  Empty Elf feet, or followed by a T-rex?

Post  BenevolentDevil Sat Oct 20, 2018 2:01 am

Mias feet prints ...

I floors me when I see, thin, delicate looking Mia .. have these huge dark , almost monsterous looking tracks.
I know shes .. deceptively powerful, and those probably are based on that +how long of lycanism ... but everytime I see these lay down .. i laugh.

Bav is so much larger than she is , yet has these small regular tracks left.

It's kind of humorous ... but also ... odd too.

Is there any means of , maybe normalizing tracks?
Forum Courtier

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Registration date : 2014-12-17

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