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Dispel command for custom spells. And quick animate dead request.

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Dispel command for custom spells. And quick animate dead request. Empty Dispel command for custom spells. And quick animate dead request.

Post  Dranz Thu Jun 24, 2010 9:12 pm

Not an overly large suggestion, just a dispel chat command for when you don't need things like wings or ice walls anymore, to remove them. Also, do you think it's possible to make the PM animate dead an AoE or something? Like raise all the corpses around you?

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Dispel command for custom spells. And quick animate dead request. Empty Re: Dispel command for custom spells. And quick animate dead request.

Post  eve_of_disaster Fri Jun 25, 2010 2:26 pm

That would be so cool. Smile
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