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Unable to repair or maintain equipment

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Unable to repair or maintain equipment Empty Unable to repair or maintain equipment

Post  Animayhem Sun Jul 11, 2010 3:18 pm

GSID: Animayhem
Character: Arys
I have tried to put armor and weapons in crafting anvil at college to repair but it says items are new.
Sorry I dont have the hp atm.

GM ODA witnessed this. Also he gave me a replacement base sword and materials to crete the one I lost.
I managed to but when I went to the dm start room, and placed the wardrobe ring to to recustomize appearance of my new sword the gear just desinegrated and the new sword vanished.

Last edited by Animayhem on Sun Jul 11, 2010 3:24 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : charcter name missing)
Forum Oracle

Number of posts : 2213
Registration date : 2010-07-11

Character sheet
Character Name: Charia/Arys
Race: Half-Elf
Overall Level: 30/30

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Unable to repair or maintain equipment Empty Re: Unable to repair or maintain equipment

Post  Animayhem Fri Aug 06, 2010 12:04 am

GSID: Animayhem

Character: A'rys

I was able to repair stoutboots but when I put in boots of hardiness +1 it said I did not have the skill
to repair it. I am a licensed crafter. I have craft wand, level 12 in both craft armor and craft weapon.
Is there something else I need?
Forum Oracle

Number of posts : 2213
Registration date : 2010-07-11

Character sheet
Character Name: Charia/Arys
Race: Half-Elf
Overall Level: 30/30

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Unable to repair or maintain equipment Empty Re: Unable to repair or maintain equipment

Post  eve_of_disaster Fri Aug 06, 2010 7:14 am

Fix boots by enchanting them. Put in enchanting table and close the lid. If you can enchant it it fixes them.
Forum Courtier

Female Number of posts : 340
Location : Sweden
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