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Animal language and emoting. (And possibly other languages, if necessary.)

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Animal language and emoting. (And possibly other languages, if necessary.) Empty Animal language and emoting. (And possibly other languages, if necessary.)

Post  Dranz Sun Nov 21, 2010 9:24 pm

Alright, so I noticed that when using things to denote actions when doing another language, say [*Walks over and slaps soandso* Speechtextinthatlanguage, it shows the action in common, because it's within **. But when animal is used, it cuts out, or doesn't appear altogether. I mentioned it to Eri and she said it might be becaused it's an emote based language. (IE. * Meows Growls barks etc *)

I'm posting this so there's a report on it, if anyone has anything similarly language based I suppose you can add it here as well.

Posting Knave

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Registration date : 2010-01-12

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