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Sanity optional rule

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Sanity optional rule Empty Sanity optional rule

Post  blue5112 Thu Nov 25, 2010 9:10 pm

Here's a link to the D20 SRD info page on it:
D20SRD: Sanity
Posting Knave

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Sanity optional rule Empty Re: Sanity optional rule

Post  GM_ODA Tue Jan 27, 2015 3:53 pm

affraid Awww nuts! This thread is stale as three week old bread. FEEDBACK PLEASE PEOPLE?

Forum Oracle

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Sanity optional rule Empty Re: Sanity optional rule

Post  Hacatsu Tue Jan 27, 2015 8:36 pm

Too complicated?

And besides, from what I understood, 'Sanity' is basically 'Will' rolls. 'Insanity' should be RP'd wise, like a character who has been struck too many times with the 'fear' status, because he has been fighting unnatural creatures too much, and that could easily screw up someone's mind.
Forum Courtier

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Sanity optional rule Empty Re: Sanity optional rule

Post  Elgate Wed Jan 28, 2015 9:14 am

I also feel that these concepts of 'insanity' are over the top and unbelievable.

Sure, things like rituals, obsession, paranoia, nervousness, fear- these are all RPable and can add to a character/ situation.

But things like sociopathy, pscyhopathy, schizophrenia, 'multiple personality' (dissociative identity) disorders, PTSD- these are all very, very, hard to RP.

Too often I see people playing the evil 'mad' person, who is simply "muhahahahaha, look at me, I'm crazy, I'm doing things for no reason, muahahaha, aren't I crazy?"

PTSD would make sense for what the characters have gone through, but it's hard to RP. And I've seen a few people pull of sociopathy, and even psychopathy, correctly. But insanity is used too much as a gimmick, and doesn't add to the character, and often just makes RP harder for everyone else, because it's hard to stay serious or keep coherent RP when the other person decides killing a bunch of people is perfectly good RP under the excuse 'My character is insane.'
Forum Sage

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