Spell Book Problems
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Spell Book Problems
At some point last night my spell book disappeared.
I went back to the start area and a new one spawned in my inventory but it was empty. I went to go restore it at the desk and though it said I had restored it, all I had was an empty spell book. There should be three spells learned, but even on re-learning one of them it continues to say that it's empty. Going back to Haggis' room it has restored only one of the three spells.
I went back to the start area and a new one spawned in my inventory but it was empty. I went to go restore it at the desk and though it said I had restored it, all I had was an empty spell book. There should be three spells learned, but even on re-learning one of them it continues to say that it's empty. Going back to Haggis' room it has restored only one of the three spells.
LordSurge- Forum Knight
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Re: Spell Book Problems
I had a few problems with the spellbook too. Three spell disappearing. Erin told me back then to put the spellbook into research desk on it own, that it would fix it. It didn't but I guess it could work for you. In any case, Erins very good with magic so your spells will be fixed, I'm sure.
eve_of_disaster- Forum Courtier
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Re: Spell Book Problems
Changed the method the Spell book remembers who taught what (including Research Desk), next update should allow the table to repair books which have recently added spells.
Eriniel- Lead Scripter
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Neverwinter Nights Multiplayer Server 24x7 Now with NWN and NWN:EE :: NWN1 - AL DOHRAL - Server(s) :: BETA-TEST Feedback
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