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Experience points from watching

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Experience points from watching Empty Experience points from watching

Post  eve_of_disaster Sun Jan 23, 2011 11:15 am

Last night I was playing with my new wizard and got overrun by some weird monsters. Since she is an enchantress I casted confusion on the monsters who started killing each other but that didn't give me any exp so I was wondering what could be done to improve this, for casting spells isn't in itself giving exp and I did cause the deaths of many monsters just a missile storm would have done.

When I played on Arelith I noticed that they have a script that allowed you to gain some experience points from watching npc's die, despite you not being in a party with the killers. My suggestion then is to make it possible to gain exp that way, which makes just as much sense as you watching a partymember do the killing and gaining exp from that experience.
Forum Courtier

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Experience points from watching Empty Re: Experience points from watching

Post  DM Drachen Tue Jan 25, 2011 8:27 pm

I can see that getting abused easily. No offence to your suggestion ti is a great script but...
DM Drachen
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Experience points from watching Empty Re: Experience points from watching

Post  Ragdoll_Knight Tue Jan 25, 2011 10:09 pm

Though from Dominated and otherwise controlled monsters, it should be allowed.
Forum Sage

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Experience points from watching Empty Re: Experience points from watching

Post  eve_of_disaster Tue Jan 25, 2011 11:02 pm

I suppose it could be abused but if done so that level 5 plus differences gives 1 exp or something it wouldn't be so bad.

Though considering how factions always screw up and start killing each other randomly you might want to keep it to dominated and otherwise magically influenced creatures. I went enchantment focus on my wizard and focused solely on things concerning Will saves, like dominate monster/person, confusion, paralyze spells and so on. And it just feels weird to me that my efforts of spreading chaos among 50+ creatures and barely surviving gave me hardly any exp as the monsters killed each other. <.<'
Forum Courtier

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Experience points from watching Empty Re: Experience points from watching

Post  DM Drachen Wed Jan 26, 2011 5:53 am

eve_of_disaster wrote:I suppose it could be abused but if done so that level 5 plus differences gives 1 exp or something it wouldn't be so bad.

Though considering how factions always screw up and start killing each other randomly you might want to keep it to dominated and otherwise magically influenced creatures. I went enchantment focus on my wizard and focused solely on things concerning Will saves, like dominate monster/person, confusion, paralyze spells and so on. And it just feels weird to me that my efforts of spreading chaos among 50+ creatures and barely surviving gave me hardly any exp as the monsters killed each other. <.<'

Now that sounds pretty good
DM Drachen
DM Drachen
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Experience points from watching Empty Re: Experience points from watching

Post  N8 Wed Jan 26, 2011 9:26 am

i agree, gaining xp from watching within a 5 lvl range cap is a good idea, but... unless your in the party that xp should be greatly deminished, to maybe 5% or 10% and rounding to the nearest... so if your outsdie the 5 lvl range then 5% of that 1 xp is zero...

Posting Knave

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Experience points from watching Empty Re: Experience points from watching

Post  eve_of_disaster Wed Jan 26, 2011 11:24 am

Well n8. Why do you share exp? Presumably because you experience the same things/witness the action or whatever. That should be the reasoning behind sharing exp anyway, so with that background to the gaining of exp you should get the same from just being near the other person killing something. Just being in an ooc party with someone is not really a good explanation for sharing exp...

That said, I'm really happy just if the dominate/confusion thing got added. ^^
Forum Courtier

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Experience points from watching Empty Re: Experience points from watching

Post  N8 Thu Jan 27, 2011 7:41 am

well yes, i meant in the party and in the area, but on top of that it would be nice if one could gain xp by training them selves, ie... a fighter practicing on a dummy, or through regular combat.... a wizard casting spells or researching new ones.... a rogue working a practice lock or actually performing rogue arts such as setting and disarming traps, or picking locks or pickpocketing... i'm sure you get the idea and can think of many more xp performing actions for other classes and such...

Posting Knave

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