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Journal of character background, plots and info

DM Drachen
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Journal of character background, plots and info Empty Journal of character background, plots and info

Post  Ronja Fri Jan 28, 2011 11:35 am

I think the Self Tome that you can write information of the character's parents and family is a good idea. But I think we could have a jurnal where the player could write about the character so DMs can pick up information to use in events and RP. For instance, where does the character come from, is the character curently working on some project or personal quest, does the character have any special obligations to someone etc...
Posting Knave

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Journal of character background, plots and info Empty Re: Journal of character background, plots and info

Post  DM Drachen Fri Jan 28, 2011 9:20 pm

Nice Very Happy Great idea
DM Drachen
DM Drachen
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Journal of character background, plots and info Empty Re: Journal of character background, plots and info

Post  GM_ODA Sat Jan 29, 2011 4:10 am

As PLAYERS constantly ask for LESS items, I'm inclined to simply add more features to the Tome of Self for this - so the heart of this question is:

WHAT DATA WOULD YOU LIKE ADDED TO THE TOME OF SELF? Especially that would be PLAYER-editable over time?

As of this writing, the Tome of Self does not list specific places of origin, but it does have a placeholder for that (it is based on PC race, gives a range of options though at this time those options are either blank or very generic, when completed, we'll add selection of place names and there will be published details on what those places are like too.

I'm reading from the OP that CURRENT QUEST(S) may be a good addition, perhaps with a PC and separate DM visible portions?


... what ELSE can you think of that is missing so far? Please keep the good feedback coming in!

Be well. Game on.
Forum Oracle

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Journal of character background, plots and info Empty Re: Journal of character background, plots and info

Post  Ragdoll_Knight Sat Jan 29, 2011 7:35 am

Maybe a place where the player can write their plans for the character, like "I want him/her to become a vampire" so that a DM could keep that in mind while running quests
Forum Sage

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Journal of character background, plots and info Empty Re: Journal of character background, plots and info

Post  GM_ODA Mon Nov 09, 2015 9:34 am

*looks up from the bottle-wash to the clock on the wall*


ANY further input on the Tome of Self ?
Forum Oracle

Male Number of posts : 3070
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Character Name: Firkin Alechugger
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Journal of character background, plots and info Empty Re: Journal of character background, plots and info

Post  Animayhem Tue Nov 10, 2015 11:01 am

Possibly just free text space for people to write their own categories. If there is that already, apologies for duplication.
Forum Oracle

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Journal of character background, plots and info Empty Re: Journal of character background, plots and info

Post  Roger_Dodger Tue Nov 10, 2015 12:44 pm

GM_ODA wrote:

ANY further input on the Tome of Self ?

I ran into this last night when perusing the Vault for 'ideas' (my usual modis operendi). Then I stumbled into the discussion about the Tome of Self this morning. Perhaps a sort of 'Personality Test' could be included into the Tome, as sort of a 'Preface', then use the results to help the player 'flesh out' his/her character. Admittedly, I haven't downloaded or even looked at the finished script, but thought it might interest you. The 'Journal Entries' mentioned below could be written into the Tome of Self so the player has a permanent record.

Copy/pasted the description from the Vault page:

Neverwinter Vault link:

Player Character Personality Test

Submitted by: Submitted by Alleyslink on 2014-11-20 03:28.
Last modified: 2014-12-08 20:43
Author: Alleyslink
Version: BETA
Game: NwN1
Category: Script
Requirements: OC Xp1 Xp2
Language: English
Tags: Role Play, character creation, Character, dialog, Conversation
Alleyslink Logo

I have developed this system for an upcoming module. My intention is to have players take the test as a game at the start of the module, then use the results, in conjunction with stats and alignment, to tailor player responses during conversations. In general this system would only be practical with henchmen or NPCs the player will interact with on many occasions during a module. This test is not intended to guage the players personality, but the personalty of their character.

Because this system is based on a real personality test, there are personal growth tips for each character type which is ideal for builders because it has built in character development tips.

Of course, this test could be placed in a module as a stand alone novelty.

This version is still a beta, I have still to write six journal entries, but it is fully functional. The rar includes

8 erfs one for each separate version of the test
2 documents, one contains my research documents and the other pertains to the game mechanic.
1 demo mod with with the journal all set up

You can choose to have four or twelve personality categories, you can choose to use local variable or campaign variables (Knat's PQJ included), you can choose to also store keywords or not.

I think the scripting could be more elegant and I hope if somebody looks at this and laughs at my scripting they could toss me some kindly tips to improve the system.

Attachment Size
Player Character Personality Test beta v1 (72) 496.6 KB

Permissions & licensing: Open - Free & open only if project also open
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