Shifter related suggestions
6 posters
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Shifter related suggestions
Potions that count as food and beverages, so that shifters can consume sustenance as necessary without unshifting to 'use' food item special powers.
Kiirtan- Posting Knave
- Number of posts : 16
Registration date : 2010-07-17
Re: Shifter related suggestions
One of the nice thing about shifters is that they act as jack of all trades and a great source of RP. I've noticed some scripts do acommodate them which, needless to say, made me smile- I love it when a server considers the affect of shapeshifting on RP.
Another thing that I wonder about is other changes- I don't want the shifter/druid class to grow overpowered, or imply that these should be done, as most depend on your view of 'how much does a shifter shift?'
For instance I wouldn't expect some shapes, like the iron golem, to be able to swim at all, while other flying shapes may not need to. However many shapes like the iron golem, or at least the original creature, does not need to breath, eat or drink to survive: Most undead, contruct and gargoyle (as far as I can remember) being amongst them. Other shapes, like dragons, can go without food for a long time, and many forms are based on creatures that are happy to eat uncooked food.
So my question is, is it possible and praticle to consider altering how these forms intereract with many of your 'survival' scripts? SUch as being able to eat raw meat, or go with out food for longer (Or perhaps not be affected by hunger/thirst/fatigue while shifted, by suddenly hit by their bodies needs when shifter into a more 'mortal' body, to avoid unbalancing the classes).
I have yet to reach higher shifts with my character, or get a chance to talk with someone at length who has, so I'm unsure of exactly which changes and percs have been added.
Another thing that I wonder about is other changes- I don't want the shifter/druid class to grow overpowered, or imply that these should be done, as most depend on your view of 'how much does a shifter shift?'
For instance I wouldn't expect some shapes, like the iron golem, to be able to swim at all, while other flying shapes may not need to. However many shapes like the iron golem, or at least the original creature, does not need to breath, eat or drink to survive: Most undead, contruct and gargoyle (as far as I can remember) being amongst them. Other shapes, like dragons, can go without food for a long time, and many forms are based on creatures that are happy to eat uncooked food.
So my question is, is it possible and praticle to consider altering how these forms intereract with many of your 'survival' scripts? SUch as being able to eat raw meat, or go with out food for longer (Or perhaps not be affected by hunger/thirst/fatigue while shifted, by suddenly hit by their bodies needs when shifter into a more 'mortal' body, to avoid unbalancing the classes).
I have yet to reach higher shifts with my character, or get a chance to talk with someone at length who has, so I'm unsure of exactly which changes and percs have been added.
Elgate- Forum Sage
- Number of posts : 634
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Re: Shifter related suggestions
I think the shifter class is waiting for players to input on them, though I can say some shapes have been added. Rust Monster is one of them (onHit power was not working in the beginning, but I think that was fixed) and Beholder shape (on the last Greater Wildshape tier)
I'd like to suggest Humaniod Shape (Especially Epic Humanoid Shape) allows the player to change their appearance (between races and gender with Epic shifter)
Probably will allow the player to change Head and Body Type, maybe even switch between the NPCs of their race, perhaps changing Skin and Tattoo colors (and which tattoos)
It just allows for a wider range of RP, if you can disguise yourself differently every day.
I'd like to suggest Humaniod Shape (Especially Epic Humanoid Shape) allows the player to change their appearance (between races and gender with Epic shifter)
Probably will allow the player to change Head and Body Type, maybe even switch between the NPCs of their race, perhaps changing Skin and Tattoo colors (and which tattoos)
It just allows for a wider range of RP, if you can disguise yourself differently every day.
Ragdoll_Knight- Forum Sage
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Re: Shifter related suggestions
Also- With the shifting a few problems I've noticed on this server, and with shifting in general, which might be possible to fix is :
Armour- It takes time to put armour on, but if your using a build that requires you to not be shifted all the time, and so you wear armour during that time for protection, it becomes a nuisance when shifting back and forth- eveytime you unshift, your character pauses to put her armour back on.
Now I don't know what the thoughts are on shifting in clothing/armour are. I've known some rpers would will only shift if they are wearing enchanted clothing, whiles others don't care, and a few even take armour off before shifting. So could it be possible that shifters are either given special armour that doesn't require time to put on, or if the armour script can be changed so it picks up on polymorphed/shifted PCs (or even shift back naked, if it comes down to that)? One of the techniques of a shifter is to quickly go from one form to another, in order to beat an opponent- they really don't want to stop to put armour back on everytime they unshift.
Also another issue that shifters have in general is the dragon shape. I don't know if this has been changed on this server, but the original shape is huge- So all great and fun for rping a big impressive dragon, but not so much fun when your pc has to unshift every time they need to fit through a doorway, a small gap- as well as their annoying tendency to get stuck on random things (On one server, while as a red dragon I got stuck on a brick. And was then shot to death, because I couldn't free myself, and shifting back just mean a faster death)
There are new dragon meshes in the cep, that walk on all fours, and have size differences based on age- it might be nice to find the best size from each dragon breed (So big enough to still look cool, but not be impraticle). Or maybe it's possible for a shifter to choose which dragon size? (I'm not sure how you would do this- add an ability to the actual shape itself to shift into a smaller dragon, or a toggle gadget).
(also with the dragon shapes, I'm not sure if people would want the wyrmlings to be changed to get the appearance of the more 'accurate' wyrmlings that walk on all fours, are recognisable by features and not just colour, and have size differences, or if they want to stick to the smaller generic flying wyrmling)
Armour- It takes time to put armour on, but if your using a build that requires you to not be shifted all the time, and so you wear armour during that time for protection, it becomes a nuisance when shifting back and forth- eveytime you unshift, your character pauses to put her armour back on.
Now I don't know what the thoughts are on shifting in clothing/armour are. I've known some rpers would will only shift if they are wearing enchanted clothing, whiles others don't care, and a few even take armour off before shifting. So could it be possible that shifters are either given special armour that doesn't require time to put on, or if the armour script can be changed so it picks up on polymorphed/shifted PCs (or even shift back naked, if it comes down to that)? One of the techniques of a shifter is to quickly go from one form to another, in order to beat an opponent- they really don't want to stop to put armour back on everytime they unshift.
Also another issue that shifters have in general is the dragon shape. I don't know if this has been changed on this server, but the original shape is huge- So all great and fun for rping a big impressive dragon, but not so much fun when your pc has to unshift every time they need to fit through a doorway, a small gap- as well as their annoying tendency to get stuck on random things (On one server, while as a red dragon I got stuck on a brick. And was then shot to death, because I couldn't free myself, and shifting back just mean a faster death)
There are new dragon meshes in the cep, that walk on all fours, and have size differences based on age- it might be nice to find the best size from each dragon breed (So big enough to still look cool, but not be impraticle). Or maybe it's possible for a shifter to choose which dragon size? (I'm not sure how you would do this- add an ability to the actual shape itself to shift into a smaller dragon, or a toggle gadget).
(also with the dragon shapes, I'm not sure if people would want the wyrmlings to be changed to get the appearance of the more 'accurate' wyrmlings that walk on all fours, are recognisable by features and not just colour, and have size differences, or if they want to stick to the smaller generic flying wyrmling)
Elgate- Forum Sage
- Number of posts : 634
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Registration date : 2011-01-31
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Character Name: Grace Fennerset
Race: Human
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Re: Shifter related suggestions
i believe when shifting into a form like bear or cat or wolf or anything with fur they should not take cold damage since they have a natural fur coat...
N8- Posting Knave
- Number of posts : 26
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Registration date : 2011-01-26
Re: Shifter related suggestions
That should be true of anything with thick fur, not just for Wildshapes and Lycanthropes.
As well as Shifting making your character need more Food and HTF decrease faster while shifted. Since some things have a higher metabolism than normal humans
As well as Shifting making your character need more Food and HTF decrease faster while shifted. Since some things have a higher metabolism than normal humans
Ragdoll_Knight- Forum Sage
- Number of posts : 875
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Re: Shifter related suggestions
Ragdoll_Knight wrote:I think the shifter class is waiting for players to input on them, though I can say some shapes have been added. Rust Monster is one of them (onHit power was not working in the beginning, but I think that was fixed) and Beholder shape (on the last Greater Wildshape tier)
I'd like to suggest Humaniod Shape (Especially Epic Humanoid Shape) allows the player to change their appearance (between races and gender with Epic shifter)
Probably will allow the player to change Head and Body Type, maybe even switch between the NPCs of their race, perhaps changing Skin and Tattoo colors (and which tattoos)
It just allows for a wider range of RP, if you can disguise yourself differently every day.
Okay, that is simply an amazing Idea
DM Drachen- Forum Sage
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Re: Shifter related suggestions
Kiirtan wrote:Potions that count as food and beverages, so that shifters can consume sustenance as necessary without unshifting to 'use' food item special powers.
Since this thread started, we've adopted allowing many wereforms to feed on raw (fresh meat) foods, and refined our hide/meat as an animal loot drop. We have also added drinking directly from any water source for all animal forms.
It occurs to me that all the wereforms are carnivores or omnivores. Is there any call for were-gazelle? were-oxen? etc.?
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