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How do you get back to the DMFI area once you're in the city?

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How do you get back to the DMFI area once you're in the city? Empty How do you get back to the DMFI area once you're in the city?

Post  GM_ODA Tue Jun 23, 2009 10:31 am

How do you get back to the DMFI area once you're in the city?

For situations such as this we add a name to the portal in DMFI Start, simply say 'StartRoom' to the portal in Tivook Inn or Mid Donnel (works until next update)
Forum Oracle

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How do you get back to the DMFI area once you're in the city? Empty Re: How do you get back to the DMFI area once you're in the city?

Post  Moonchild Thu Sep 27, 2012 1:18 am

Word is now "haggis", no quotations and all lowercase.
Posting Knave

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How do you get back to the DMFI area once you're in the city? Empty Re: How do you get back to the DMFI area once you're in the city?

Post  BobbyBrown15 Fri Nov 08, 2013 11:32 am

Currently to my knowledge there is no longer a way to return to the start room from IG, unless this has been changed.
Forum Sage

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How do you get back to the DMFI area once you're in the city? Empty Re: How do you get back to the DMFI area once you're in the city?

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