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Bugreport command

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Bugreport command Empty Bugreport command

Post  eve_of_disaster Mon Feb 07, 2011 9:39 am

I would like to see a bugreport command that records bugs for dm revisal. You could write something like -bugreport [bug description here]
and then the information gets transported to the right place. It would sure make things easier for me as a player and tester to send things your way.
Forum Courtier

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Bugreport command Empty Re: Bugreport command

Post  DM Drachen Sun Mar 27, 2011 7:41 am

eve_of_disaster wrote:I would like to see a bugreport command that records bugs for dm revisal. You could write something like -bugreport [bug description here]
and then the information gets transported to the right place. It would sure make things easier for me as a player and tester to send things your way.
I agree with Eve, But we should make a script that makes like a placeable or somthing in a DM only area that has a list for description of the bugs being reported.
DM Drachen
DM Drachen
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Bugreport command Empty Re: Bugreport command

Post  GM_ODA Sun Jul 12, 2015 7:57 am

FEATURE ADDED two tools found in the DMFI Start Room (look in the central room's chest of test gear). One for reporting broken transitions, the other allows TALK channel recording so a PLAYER can report a bug in their own words with all the location data being recorded automatically in either case.

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Bugreport command Empty Re: Bugreport command

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