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A home for elves

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A home for elves Empty A home for elves

Post  wolf116 Tue Mar 15, 2011 11:01 pm

ok not sure if this is the right place to post this.. but while running from all the zombies today (3-16-11)
I found a vary nice hilltop in the northen wilds , lots of fruit trees, spice plants and game (pig and deer).
An elven druid named Celdun was with Tanae and during a lightning storm gave his life for Deeproot and was killed.. and came back as a cow.. a grave marker and flower patch now marks the barrow mound where this took place. I would like to request a camp and or a binding point at this place as a home base for elves. It seems an ideal place far from the cities of men and on a wooded hill top with a good lookout of the area around.

thanks for the fun today to both DM Torry and DM Dragon had a blast
wolf116 Cool
Posting Knave

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Registration date : 2011-03-08

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A home for elves Empty Re: A home for elves

Post  DM Drachen Sat Mar 19, 2011 5:54 pm

NP! I'm always up for some good RP Smile, glad to hear you liked it!
DM Drachen
DM Drachen
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Registration date : 2011-01-07

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