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Friendly weapon damage

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Friendly weapon damage Empty Friendly weapon damage

Post  Eyeballkid Thu Mar 17, 2011 6:44 pm

While a group of us stood outside the inn, in Tivook Crossing, one party member(Ando) had been poisoned or diseased, I can't recall which exactly, but as he took damage from it's effects I noticed my gloves were taking damage in the action window. My main weapon with my monk. Not sure it adds anything to the reason for the damage, but I took them off to be safe.
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Friendly weapon damage Empty Re: Friendly weapon damage

Post  GM_ODA Sat Mar 19, 2011 10:06 am

Sounds like it may have been coincidence. We have systems in place to add 'wear and tear' to your equipped items, and this is likely what you saw as 'damage'. When reduced to 0 HP, the item breaks.

Likely the script that handles poison damage was going off at about the same time as the wear and tear script.

Be well. Game on.
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Friendly weapon damage Empty Re: Friendly weapon damage

Post  Eyeballkid Sun Mar 20, 2011 7:36 am

LIES ALL LIES!!! First you take away Pizza Friday, now this?? I see how it is...
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Friendly weapon damage Empty yeah , and whats this about no pizza friday??

Post  wolf116 Sun Mar 20, 2011 5:31 pm

NO-PIZZA FRIDAYS anymore... its its its inhuman I tell ya!!

but really I have craft skills ..weapon, armor and trap, could I fix her glove and if so whats it take?
figered out how to repair my weapons.. but not leather armor yet.. after 4 pair of boots I'd like to find out

thanks wolf116/ Tanae , elven ranger scout Embarassed
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