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To solve a problem

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To solve a problem Empty To solve a problem

Post  Orinai Mon Dec 12, 2011 10:54 pm

He sat on the log just outside his home, watching the sea over the shimmering waves of a low fire burning in its usual place. Normally, this time of reflection brought satisfaction to his accomplishments and travels, victories and knowledge. But this night, like the past few, only brought brooding, despites his many tries to think of those better parts of his being. The recent loss of several of Dohrals residents wore on his mind, clouding him with doubt and regret.
He hadn't meant to cause the deaths of innocents by using his methods of safegaurding the city. He hadn't even cast on them, touched them, and yet they died. Without warning or known reason, but surely his cause.

Having chosen the city as a second home, and feeling compelled to protect it as such, he does so aggressively. Unfortunately his methods are unorthadox, and so has consequences. Deadly ones. Not having grown up in a "civilized" upbringing, everyday is a learning experience for him. Like many times before he learns from the unfortunate mistake, he sits and ponders how he can continue his role as unordained protector.
But heavier yet,weighs the worry of retribution from the citizens of his "home" city. Are they looking skyward with arms? Do they fear the very night sky being protected?

Will they hunt the blue dragon?

Forum Knight

Male Number of posts : 125
Age : 42
Location : the armpit of america, the black swamp. toledo ohio
Registration date : 2009-03-17

Character sheet
Character Name: Eurikai Duenrhae
Race: Human
Overall Level: 21

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To solve a problem Empty Re: To solve a problem

Post  Orinai Wed Jan 04, 2012 7:28 pm

It happened again. On a night patrolling the city an innocent was killed. Not by direct means but incidentally another casualty by his doings. Whilst watching the city as he normally does, a farmer in a feild north of the city sighted what he thought was a threat. Doing only what comes naturally, the farmer gathered his bow and took shots into the night sky. Among the attempts to bring him down a fire had started by an outside brazier that had been toppled over during the farmers hastened defense of his land. It had set the nearby barn on fire and after he thought he had scared the assailent away attempted to put the flame out.
Landing in a nearby grove after escapeing a near cloase call he tried to assist th eman in putting out the flames, but before he could make the quarter mile journey, the fire had fully engulfed the structure and lay claim to all lives in the barn, includeing the farmer trying to save his fare.

It had been weeks since he had gone into the city. His supplies were running low and his duties had become stacked, yet his brooding had kept him home. Half afraid that he would soon see activity pertaining to the recent sightings, and half afraid that he had been wrong in his methods, he contemplated giving up his self imposed gaurdianship. Had he been wrong the whole time? Had he gone too far to ensure the safety of the city? For a long time he didnt think so, and commited diligently to that thought, but as the weight of several peoples deaths brought hazy thoughts, his belief was beginning to change.
Being as limited on resources as he was, he began rounding up hi sthings for a trip to the city. He didnt want to go, but neccessity forced his hand. He just sincerely hopes he wouldnt have to see the grief on peoples faces when he got there. he was certain to avoid the northern farmlands.

Forum Knight

Male Number of posts : 125
Age : 42
Location : the armpit of america, the black swamp. toledo ohio
Registration date : 2009-03-17

Character sheet
Character Name: Eurikai Duenrhae
Race: Human
Overall Level: 21

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