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Sun Damage for UNDEAD

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Sun Damage for UNDEAD Empty Sun Damage for UNDEAD

Post  Morrow Sat Dec 24, 2011 8:07 am

Currently undead PCs take sun damage. This creates a few problems I think; These Pcs are only playable for half the time, preventing them from adventuring with other pcs and forcing them to either logoff or use an Alt when the sun comes up (i dont like alts myself). this makes exploring the world very difficult, as you always have to be near an inn or a cave.

My suggestion is to not cause these PCs to die from the sun but still limit them in some way, as is the drawback of playing such a character. A 'curse' effect would suffice i think but maybe stack this with other effects as well. Again, to limit the PC during daylight without killing them (preventing them from exploring, hunting in a party etc). We can assume that they wear protective clothing to help them with the sun dmg, but the 'curse' effect is always on during the day.

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Sun Damage for UNDEAD Empty Re: Sun Damage for UNDEAD

Post  Valerion Mon Jan 09, 2012 6:20 am

I personally think that Vampires should directly die in direct sunlight by the sun may be a cliche but I simply always facepalm if I see a vampire walking in broad sunlight, that or getting HUGE a very short time.
About other undeads, depends on the undead I think but Vampires definatly do need to die in the sun.
Burn you *BLEEPS* BURN! Twisted Evil
Forum Sage

Male Number of posts : 917
Age : 34
Registration date : 2011-12-24

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Character Name: Valerion
Race: Human
Overall Level: 40

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