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Origins- A Journey to Discover One's Ancestors

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Origins- A Journey to Discover One's Ancestors Empty Origins- A Journey to Discover One's Ancestors

Post  Animayhem Sun Jan 08, 2012 12:53 pm

Sitting under a tree in the area of her temple, Charia opens a book and starts to write.

" I have often looked at myself in mirrors and streams wondering who my parents were. Though not a jealous or envious person, I feel even more alone when I hear of people describing their childhood. I have come across many people who have some opinions but yet that is just what they are. However this burdened has lessened some as I met Fen who like me her past is a blur but unlike me she knows the race she is from which is drow. The fact that she is drow and is haunted by Lolth, has not stopped her from reaching her goals, an accomplished shifter and child of nature rather than an evil being typical of the drow. She has been a good friend.

Through my own reasoning, I have deduced that despite my horns, I am not a demon as if I were Rhenallathan would not accept me. I am wondering if I am another race of planar as I readily mastered celestial and abyssmal languages. My horns seem to be the more puzzling aspect of my features. I do not think I am dragonkin as from what I know I do not have other draconic features like scales or their temperment. Elves and fey are often allies and it is known elves love their wine. Could my elf parent, whom I think may have been my mother, gotten drunk and frolicked with a satyr or worse case have been forced."

She stops and frowns at the thought before continuing.

"Could I be an offspring of such a union and given up to hide the shame of my birth? I pray daily to Rhenallathan to help be find answers. Maybe those whom I have befriended will aid me as well."

She rereads what she has written and closes the book and return it to her pack.
Forum Oracle

Number of posts : 2213
Registration date : 2010-07-11

Character sheet
Character Name: Charia/Arys
Race: Half-Elf
Overall Level: 30/30

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Origins- A Journey to Discover One's Ancestors Empty Re: Origins- A Journey to Discover One's Ancestors

Post  Animayhem Fri Feb 10, 2012 6:13 pm

Sitting under a tree in the Temple grounds, Charia opens and writes.

"I have made many new acquaintances, yet I have not come closer to discovering the missing half. So many are so sure that I am a Teifling, yet from what I have read I really do not seem to fit. However I have been coming here more often and always seem to be one with the wilds yet not in the way of druids.
What ever my other half is must be subtle as even the drow refer more to my elven side. Could be part drow or maybe an experiment which resulted in my horns?
It seems as I grow in wisdom and my role as a priestess,this matter has been foremost in my thoughts. I feel knowing my heritage will allow me to fully concentrate on my life's path once that is discovered".

After she is done, she closes the book , gets up from under the tree, and heads towards the Temple, having been called by the High Priestess.

Forum Oracle

Number of posts : 2213
Registration date : 2010-07-11

Character sheet
Character Name: Charia/Arys
Race: Half-Elf
Overall Level: 30/30

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Origins- A Journey to Discover One's Ancestors Empty Re: Origins- A Journey to Discover One's Ancestors

Post  Animayhem Sun Feb 12, 2012 1:17 pm

Charia approaches the priestess. The priestess smiles and says,
" My Child, you have grown well in wisdom and your skills and service to Rhenallathan as a priestess. I also know your personal turmoil about your heritage. You have reached the sixteenth level of study and the sixth circle of spells thus it is my duty to give you this." Charia is handed a sealed letter." It was given to me when you were brought here as a young child by your mother." Charia takes the letter, bows her head once and replies, " Thank-you. This means so much to me." Charia turns and walks down the Temple steps and sits under a tree and opens the letter which is written in elven.(~)

I regret I am not with you to watch you grow, but you are always on my mind and in my heart. I knew from the time you were born you were something special. You are part moonelf and part satyr, so part fey and thus the reason for your horns. Your father and I did not stay together and after you were born he left as is the nature of fey. I tried my best but I felt I could not be the parent you needed so as a follower of Rhenallathan myself, I entrusted your care to them. I do believe however the fey are also keeping an eye on you. Mayhap one day I will have the courage to see you again.
I hope you can forgive me, dearest Charia. Your name was changed to protect you, however your name of your birth is Hethurin.
Your mother,
A tear rolls down Charia's cheek and she holds the letter close to her heart.
Forum Oracle

Number of posts : 2213
Registration date : 2010-07-11

Character sheet
Character Name: Charia/Arys
Race: Half-Elf
Overall Level: 30/30

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Origins- A Journey to Discover One's Ancestors Empty Father

Post  Animayhem Sun Jan 13, 2013 9:57 am

"Sitting under a tree, Charia opens her book and writes.

" Many of those around me have been finding and meeting their fathers, Nailo and Adrastia. I have my met my mother but only though the letter left for me.
The Priestess has known for a long time I seek them both and offered her aid. She could not do anything in regards to my mother, but she could attempt to divine for my father as he was most probably still in Feyland.
It took some time and the priestess and I almost gave up hope but he was found and he was not far from the temple.

We met and he was quite taken aback as none of his children ever came looking for him. His name was Avengue He told me although they may not be around, satyrs do have feelings for all their offspring.
He also told me they do not force women. He invited me to experience fey life and said that one of the satyrs was looking for a wife and would I be interested. I politely declined at which he was disappointed but understood.
Mayhap if I were brought up by the fey or even lived with elves I could of concidered it, however I was brought by the temple and human society. Mayhap if I was I could be with Ne the way he wants."[/color]

She closes her book, puts it away and heads for Tivook.
Forum Oracle

Number of posts : 2213
Registration date : 2010-07-11

Character sheet
Character Name: Charia/Arys
Race: Half-Elf
Overall Level: 30/30

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Origins- A Journey to Discover One's Ancestors Empty Mother

Post  Animayhem Fri Jun 14, 2013 1:38 am

Charia still a bit shaken by the reunion, at a table at the Tivook Inn, she opens her book and writes,

" For so long I have wondered about my mother and now I have found out. I was a bit frustrated at the gnomes Knower only saying she is alive.  I decided since she helped me before, I would ask the priestess if she knew anything more.
I was not prepared,however, to hear what she had to say. She told me my mother along with others of the faith went into the Tivook cave hoping to destroy the darkness. The mission failed and many were lost but a few returned, one of them being Adrastia's mother who was a nervous wreck and mentally unstable and ran off.  My mother, however, along with a few others were sealed in a shadow plane. I stood there shocked and in disbelief.

 I quickly left the Temple and went into Tivook to try and get a message to the gnome as I wanted to know exactly where in the planes she was. We met at the college and what he had to say made me feel only slightly better. He admitted he held back the knower
from givng me the full answer.  He explained in great gnomish detail the complexity of the planes. He said if she was still alive the plane which she was in, a conjuction was coming up which would bring her plane and this plane in harmony.  I would be able to go in and try and bring her back, however time was limited and if  I did not return before the alignment shifted, I would stuck with her. He tried his best to persuade me not to go but I was determined. He said we still had time and he would create a device which would alert me when the time of closing was near.

I told Ne about it and he naturally was against it but understood my reasons.  I did not want to go alone but knew anyone else would suffer the same fate.  Nailo would go but was not always reliable so that left me Fen. I hesitated at first as I did not want to deprive her of her chance of happiness with Zirra.  I left her a message and we met at the college. She listened with interest although she seem to fade back and forth between Fen of Nature and Fen of the Drow in the end she decided to join me.  No sooner then she had said yes, the gnome arrived saying he was ready and he would have a guide waiting and gave me the device.

We got outside the cave entrance and Ne was waiting. He said he could not go in to the plane but would lead us.  He was surprised that Fen was with me and once again he tryed to persuade us not to go in his voice obviously still showing he cared deeply for us both still even though he chose Ronja.  He agreed to relay the information of where we went and if we did not come back. We arrived at the portal nexxus and Ne left. 

The world we entered was the mirror or opposite of Tivook. Black was white, east was west and the inn dark and boarded up. We headed east and traveled awhile before we came upon an unusal scene.   A woman was in a ring swinging her sword and fighting an ancient shadow dragon.  Fen and I went in and tried to help the woman and succeeded and as the three of us were leaving, a bell sounded and the fight began again. Although tired from the first fight we went in again and this time it was a draw. Fen and I grabbed the woman and we ran not looking back all the while hearing what sounded like the ticking of a big clock.  We did not stop until we go to the shadowy version of the Tivook inn. The woman was a bit confused and concerned none of her members were with her. Unbeknownst to her she was stuck in a time loop and more than a week had gone by, more like years.

We managed to get out to the cave just in time before the planes shifted. Fen could not stay as she had businees to attend to. I thanked her again.  My mother and I rested a bit and it was during this time I told her about what had passed. I told her slowly and in pieces so she could absorb it.  She was in shock to know I was her baby she left behind. We went immediately to the temple, however I had my mother rest and refresh herself a bit before talking with the priestess.  We approached the priestess who had a mixture of joy and shock on her face.  The priestess barely said a few words when my mother drew out her sword and slew her in a fit or rage and revenge.  My mother explained why and truth be told, I agreed with her. She calmed down and dropped her sword saying it was mine now and I bent down and picked it up. I raised the priestess but not fully just enough to keep her unconcious until my mother and I went into the temple to talk some more.

 She heard of what I had been through and as she had often done that day apologized for abandoning me. She had said in hindsight it would have been better if maybe I had been left with the fey rather than the temple as I would be more of her daughter than the priestess's. I hugged her and said I was still her daughter and I forgave her and we could start anew. I also suggest she become a cleric since she had given me her sword. She agreed with me but needed more rest and suggested I return to the priestess.  I went outside and walked up the steps to see the priestess by the altar with a look of serenity on her face. As I approached, she said she was glad to see one of her errors was corrected, I do not know if she remember her death or if she did and saw it as a redemption.  I told the priestess that my mother would stay and learn to become a cleric and that I was returning the office of high priestess to her.  I bade her a farewell and went to Tivook to let Ne and others know I was successful."

Charia closes her book, finishes her meal amd prepares to return to the Temple.
Forum Oracle

Number of posts : 2213
Registration date : 2010-07-11

Character sheet
Character Name: Charia/Arys
Race: Half-Elf
Overall Level: 30/30

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