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Wild magic adjustment ideas

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Wild magic adjustment ideas Empty Wild magic adjustment ideas

Post  saibotxor Sat Mar 31, 2012 6:23 pm

-It seems like right now a d100 is rolled, spellcraft isn't added to roll. I think it should be spellcraft+d20
-The DC should be balanced so a focused spellcaster(reasonable int and spellcraft for their level) of whatever level the zone is balanced for would have to roll a 1 to fail their spell. Rangers and paladins would still be advised not to cast, also spell like abilities for Blackguards and assassins would be inadvisable. Underleveled casters would be discouraged to cast, overleveled casters would be unaffected.
-Sliding DC scale, one DC for 2-5, higher for 6-8, higher still for 9, and highest DC for epic.
-Cantrips and level 1 spells should never be subject to wild magic rolls.
-Potions should never be subject to wild magic rolls. Wands and staffs should, but only for spells above level 1.
-Limit it to areas that make sense. Around the tower and in the ice plane make sense, Tivook West Road doesn't.

Posting Knave

Number of posts : 29
Registration date : 2010-06-21

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Wild magic adjustment ideas Empty Re: Wild magic adjustment ideas

Post  kolde Sun Apr 01, 2012 12:15 pm

^^^^ Sounds like a sound idea to me.. or at least some chance of us dedicated casters not being 100% entirely useless in wild magic zones.. we already get next to no xp from killing anyway, but to be shut down in so many areas and become completely useless is no fun at all

Posting Knave

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Wild magic adjustment ideas Empty Re: Wild magic adjustment ideas

Post  GM_ODA Mon Apr 02, 2012 12:47 pm

ATM, what we have is the Wild Magic system right out of D&D - before we go discussing changing it wholesale - a few points need to be illuminated.

Limit it to areas that make immediate sense. Around the tower and in the ice plane make immediate sense, Tivook West Road doesn't.

Bold word inserted by me to correct the statement. While some things may not make immediate sense, this does not mean they make no sense, but rather implies that more data is needed for understanding. Very Happy I assure you, where Wild Magic is and is not was plotted to make sense, but not to be immediately obvious. Finding the reasons behind mysteries is often a good impetus to explore and adventure.

Further, on wild magic, we did have to change how 'Detect Magic' works between dnd and nwn - in dnd it is a spell, with range and duration, in nwn it is an innate power of an Arcane caster (with range and clarity of result impacted by PC level, and spellcraft, and even specialty sometimes). Arcanes are encouraged to examine this characteristic of new areas when entering them and modify their behavior based on this evaluation of the weave. It can be sheer folly to not examine this aspect of the terrain, but that is the nature of wild magic, it is dangerous and makes everything magical unpredictable (more so than usual). Note, wild magic was 'added' to dnd as 'ordinary magic' if you will allow me the term, in dnd is mostly formulaic; you cast the spell you know the result - making it all much closer to some sort of weird science than what most might imagine magic to be. Magic - a fickle tool with complexities often not discerned until too late. Well, that's the feel it has for me, ymmv.

Most places in game, there is no wild magic. Only in a few places is there wild magic, and all for calculated reasons. Most areas with Wild Magic are low in WM level, so the chance of invoking trouble is usually low (but repeatedly rolling the dice means you are likely to get 'snake eyes' if you know what I mean).

AI is being adjusted atm to account for wild magic and the casters' WISDOM and LEVEL making them lean toward 'playing it smart' rather than casting in dangerous places. When this feature is in place it will work and feel a lot more 'natural'.

I hope this helps make the wild magic make more sense - I'm trying not to give away too much here, so bear with me. If you have further questions feel free to add to this thread.

Be well. Game on.
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