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Fighter/caster exp gap way out of line

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Fighter/caster exp gap way out of line Empty Fighter/caster exp gap way out of line

Post  saibotxor Sun Apr 01, 2012 8:55 pm

Naomi(11 sorceror) killed a hill giant spawned by Trainee Fenril for 27 exp. After being granted 1 level to take fighter, she killed the same giant for 505 exp. Then 2 levels were taken and 1 given back, to take in fighter. She killed the hill giant again for 675.

Posting Knave

Number of posts : 29
Registration date : 2010-06-21

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Fighter/caster exp gap way out of line Empty Re: Fighter/caster exp gap way out of line

Post  kolde Sun Apr 01, 2012 9:01 pm

To expand on that (I play Naomi) My lvl 11 pure sorc (not in party) was spawned a CR 11 giant.. the kill resulted in 27 xp. I was then given one lvl of fighter so 11 sorc 1 fighter, same kill resulted in 505, then 2 lvls were removed and one added, resulting in 10 sorc 1 fighter, again exact same monster and 675 xp... So a pure mage is only getting 1/25th of the experience a melee char gets for killing the exact same thing...

Posting Knave

Male Number of posts : 40
Age : 38
Registration date : 2012-03-21

Character sheet
Character Name: Naomi Reaign
Race: Human
Overall Level: 16

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Fighter/caster exp gap way out of line Empty Re: Fighter/caster exp gap way out of line

Post  GM_ODA Mon Apr 02, 2012 12:20 pm

Noted, thanks for the feedback.

Next update will see further tweeking of the forumula please post similar data after next update if you would.

Be well. Game on.
Forum Oracle

Male Number of posts : 3071
Location : USA East Coast
Registration date : 2008-10-17

Character sheet
Character Name: Firkin Alechugger
Race: Dwarf
Overall Level: 11

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Fighter/caster exp gap way out of line Empty Re: Fighter/caster exp gap way out of line

Post  kolde Sat Apr 07, 2012 2:42 pm

Today we ran several more test runs:
Lvl 6 rogue - CR 5: 67xp
Lvl 5 rogue/ 1 fighter -CR 5: 184 xp

lvl 17 sorc - various CRs from 2-32: No xp for any
lvl 17 paladin - CR 17: 964 xp

lvl 8 paladin/ 8 rogue - CR 12: 153 xp
lvl 16 paladin - CR 12: 153 xp

Posting Knave

Male Number of posts : 40
Age : 38
Registration date : 2012-03-21

Character sheet
Character Name: Naomi Reaign
Race: Human
Overall Level: 16

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Fighter/caster exp gap way out of line Empty Re: Fighter/caster exp gap way out of line

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