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hunger thirst fatigue

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hunger thirst fatigue Empty hunger thirst fatigue

Post  kolde Sun Apr 01, 2012 10:19 pm

I might suggest that the htf is looked at for indoor areas... It seems to drain much much quicker if one is inside rather than outside... While not a major problem it can be annoying RPing for awhile, being forced to rest, RPing a bit more, deciding to go out exploring only to realize you need to rest agin and cant do so for another two hours IG because you just did.

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hunger thirst fatigue Empty Re: hunger thirst fatigue

Post  Eriniel Mon Apr 02, 2012 6:43 am

HTF is effected by attributes, CON amongst them, is that at 10 yet?

The system that controls heartbeats for HTF and others is on my test list to be looked at when I get back online Smile
Thanks btw

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hunger thirst fatigue Empty Re: hunger thirst fatigue

Post  saibotxor Mon Apr 02, 2012 10:10 am

HTF seems to be working fine as long as everyone is in exterior areas, but going inside breaks it to the point of unplayability.

Posting Knave

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hunger thirst fatigue Empty Re: hunger thirst fatigue

Post  Animayhem Mon Apr 02, 2012 12:20 pm

Its a known bug. Eri and Oda are working on it. Thank goodness dms can turn it off during events Very Happy
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