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9th lv spell shapechange, form changes

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9th lv spell shapechange, form changes Empty 9th lv spell shapechange, form changes

Post  BobbyBrown15 Mon Dec 03, 2012 11:38 pm

Might make help to add a weapon to the Balor and Fire giant forms, I myself think this is a good idea since these creatures normally carry a weapon on their own, plus the forms themselves are not as effective without them.
Forum Sage

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9th lv spell shapechange, form changes Empty Re: 9th lv spell shapechange, form changes

Post  DM Drachen Tue Dec 04, 2012 12:45 pm

I agree. Though, I don't think anything more than +3 attack bonus, and a maximum damage bonus of being 10 for Fire Giant. For Balor, I'd only suggest the attack bonus. Why you ask? Well, the Balor already has 30 damage reduction. Add in the fact that it gets more HP than fire giant, more AC, and 20/- damage resistance for various forms of damage. While the Fire Giant only has 100% fire damage resistance, and 50% cold vulnerability.
DM Drachen
DM Drachen
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