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Half Dragon Character Concept

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Half Dragon Character Concept Empty Half Dragon Character Concept

Post  GunpowderHater Sun Dec 30, 2012 9:24 pm

I'd like to try something I haven't Rped in a good long while.

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Essentially, that is everything required to make a half dragon template. As for the concept itself, I will not go into a lot of detail here, but essentially, I have in mind to play yet another warrior style character (How inovative of me! Yet another fighter.) Said character would be of mercenary background, his features hidden for the most part in order to avoid detection and scrutiny from less tolerate sorts. I intend to play the alignment as best to my own abilities just like always, which means Roleplaying a CE monster race. Aware as I am of the consequences should he be discovered, or eventually stopped should his actions ever be put in the open, I've a mind to still go forth with this.

The character would very obviously have power hungry intentions, but mostly in a selfish way, with a particular focus on becoming immensurably rich and well known. The means to achieve this might vary, sometimes leading to good actions indeed, such as acts of selflessness towards a particularly poor child for once. But the core of the reason remains a selfish one. Indeed if he does aid said child, it would be to gain his or her trust enough to use him\her in his own schemes. The intentions remain solely evil, even if the action in itself isn't.

Since the Rp for the mercenary guild seems largely inactive, I'd like to know where it currently stands, and if it can be considered free, I'd like to have a chance in the future for this character to take over. If the current leader is still alive and kicking, well, I will simply handle the application IC should I ever see him, but from what I noticed, he hasn't been the most active of players lately.

Anyway, the character would be a half red dragon, with all traits of such a wyrm taken into account, from alignment to complete resistance to heat, from the particular quirks and likings of red wyrms to their own phobias and banes.

My acc is Your_mom_is_mine. Yes, I know, hardly befitting of a lady to have one such as this. But I was young and innocent... really, I was actually too tired to think up something and this was what came up first xD

Open to discussion of this concept further in tells or site chat,


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Half Dragon Character Concept Empty Re: Half Dragon Character Concept

Post  Shar Sun Dec 30, 2012 10:05 pm

GunpowderHater wrote:My acc is Your_mom_is_mine. Yes, I know, hardly befitting of a lady to have one such as this. But I was young and innocent... really, I was actually too tired to think up something and this was what came up first xD

Your new theme song... enough said...

Honestly though, this isn't the forum to apply for a pc. were not that strict here but please be considerate and keep things neat. that being said, i like the concept. You should know however that strong blooded draconics are looked down upon and feared by the locals. you would likely not be able to run the fighters guild if only because you would need a "reputable escort" just to enter the city. Monstrous pc's are called that for a reason. you wouldn't need people to "find out" your evil. its what they will expect until proven otherwise.

So while you may gain acceptance in a place like tivook, don't expect to enter Doral proper unless you really like old tomatoes...

Forum Vizier

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Half Dragon Character Concept Empty Re: Half Dragon Character Concept

Post  GunpowderHater Sun Dec 30, 2012 10:53 pm

I did write it there the character would keep his appearance hidden unless certain things happen, or under trustworthy company. It's far from my first exotic concept, and certainly not the first I will play as secretly a monster Razz

As for the location where I should put this, I apologize. I did think this was the area for it, given the prior post was.. an application aswell.

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Half Dragon Character Concept Empty Re: Half Dragon Character Concept

Post  DM Drachen Mon Dec 31, 2012 1:01 pm

I believe we don't do Half-Dragons here, because dragons are extremely rare in the Dohral setting. Perhaps something of a descendant of a dragon, though.

(Correct me if I'm wrong, GM_Oda.)
DM Drachen
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Half Dragon Character Concept Empty Re: Half Dragon Character Concept

Post  autokilla Mon Dec 31, 2012 1:17 pm

with staying hidden from sight from other people and in disguise... this will not even work if they have ts, they can see through disguises and see your true form that way

Posting Knave

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Half Dragon Character Concept Empty Re: Half Dragon Character Concept

Post  Shar Mon Dec 31, 2012 1:35 pm

DM_Dragon wrote:I believe we don't do Half-Dragons here, because dragons are extremely rare in the Dohral setting. Perhaps something of a descendant of a dragon, though.

(Correct me if I'm wrong, GM_Oda.)

To Dragon

Well, we both do and dont..

Its not a standard subrace and has to be approved by oda directly because of the vary reasons above (and a few others). Ne, is a half dragon and was created as sort of the "prototype" for the concept. however because of the various factors involved it has remained as a strictly "By Admin Permission Only" race.

I did write it there the character would keep his appearance hidden unless certain things happen, or under trustworthy company. It's far from my first exotic concept, and certainly not the first I will play as secretly a monster

To Gunpowder

I don't think you fully understand what i mean. Half-dragons are not RDD's, they look different; and unlike a RDD could never pass for a normal human in public. This is what i mean.


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These images are as cannon as it gets, as they are streight from the 3.5 Monster manual & Dungeon Masters Guide (DMG). So point being, if you are a Half-Dragon, you cant hide it. A hood or helmet isn't going to cut it as your whole form will be something between dragon and human.
Forum Vizier

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Half Dragon Character Concept Empty Re: Half Dragon Character Concept

Post  DM Drachen Mon Dec 31, 2012 2:27 pm

I'm aware. Strange, I had asked for a Half-Dragon a year back, and was told the campaign doesn't support them. Things change with time, I guess.
DM Drachen
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Half Dragon Character Concept Empty Re: Half Dragon Character Concept

Post  GunpowderHater Mon Dec 31, 2012 2:48 pm

Medium sized half dragons don't usually have wings, for a starter. Plus they are magical creatures still. It's not unheard of for them to cast disguise self into a regular human.

As for autokilla's words, yes, true seeing WILL see through MAGICAL diguise, not through CLOTHING. I've played a drow in the past with a cover that consisted in portraying a flawless plague bearer. Everyone avoided her, and by the time the server closed down, and I told people what she really was, they were quite surprised how I could contain that secret just to myself for so long.

Overall, the thing is the possibilities are limitless, and I've yet to see people walk around with true seeing constantly casted. It's just not viable. Plus, the entire setting seems to be tolerant towards "different", at least regarding the player community. So far it has been so when I see DMs Roleplay dragon blooded creatures and every paladin pc jumps to protect them when the scarce fiew reacting to the monster factor go agressive. Racism is welcome, but I don't think it should be a detrimental factor in allowing, or not allowing this given I've seen people play ogres, kobolds, beholders... Hell, even something far more dangerous than a loner half dragon - vampires - and I saw no issues coming forth. In the end, it's all about what is permited or what is not.

I will wait on ODA's call on this, however, I'm all too glad to discuss things with you all. Perhaps we might even reach a good concensus on what should, and shouldn't be tolerated even by PCs.


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Half Dragon Character Concept Empty Re: Half Dragon Character Concept

Post  Shar Mon Dec 31, 2012 3:35 pm

Gunpowder.. all we are trying to do is help you flush out your idea.

Racism is welcome, but I don't think it should be a detrimental factor in allowing, or not allowing this given I've seen people play ogres, kobolds, beholders... Hell, even something far more dangerous than a loner half dragon - vampires - and I saw no issues coming forth.

Racism is not a factor in deciding this and is mainly from the NPC's on the server. Now i personally would like to see the player-base be a bit more prejudiced agenst "different" things myself as it would add to the realism but that's up to them.

No-one is attacking your idea. I have said myself that you did a good job in conceptualizing but we just want to make sure you have all the details thought out. Its not just wings after all, but by rights could be any assortment of body-parts from horns to tails to a snout. A spell is a good idea that may work depending on the combination of features but because this is such a restricted class we need to make sure you have all your "papers in order" so to speak.
Forum Vizier

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Half Dragon Character Concept Empty Re: Half Dragon Character Concept

Post  GunpowderHater Mon Dec 31, 2012 3:49 pm

I'm well aware my idea isn't being attacked ^_^ I have most of the details thought out, I just think it's best to wait for it to be aproved or not and reveal it only to the DM in question because I like a certain mystery regarding my characters. Twisted Evil

Regardless, and changing topics a bit to continue your line of thought, I do agree. I'd like some prejudice towards the different concepts we have seen. It'd actually lead to far more interesting encounters, and a little competition never hurted anyone. Much >.> There is a reason why in regular DnD monster races do not give you evil points if you simply kill them. With one or two people aside, and I am well aware it is easy to find a RPed reason to be tolerant to others, the reaction I'd expect everywhere is at least fear or a weary response. I've learned to addapt however. Mostly with my newest character. She doesn't discriminate. She simply has a predifined concept of how things should be reacted to and isn't afraid to say it. Other than this, she's known to get along with mostly everyone. But repeating myself a bit, it'd be interesting, and a bit refreshing, to see a touch more IC resent towards exotics.


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Half Dragon Character Concept Empty Re: Half Dragon Character Concept

Post  DM Drachen Mon Dec 31, 2012 4:18 pm

Yes. Conflict always brings roleplay. Conflict is key! That, at least is my general saying I go bye.
DM Drachen
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Half Dragon Character Concept Empty Re: Half Dragon Character Concept

Post  Valerion Wed Jan 02, 2013 4:14 am

If anyone ever complains about this server being anti-subrace for players I am going to have a goooood and looooong laugh^^
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Half Dragon Character Concept Empty Re: Half Dragon Character Concept

Post  autokilla Wed Jan 02, 2013 10:40 am

Valerion wrote:If anyone ever complains about this server being anti-subrace for players I am going to have a goooood and looooong laugh^^

totally... i should know, judging from how many subraces i have Very Happy lol

Posting Knave

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Half Dragon Character Concept Empty Re: Half Dragon Character Concept

Post  DM Drachen Wed Jan 02, 2013 11:17 am

DM_Dragon wrote:Yes. Conflict always brings roleplay. Conflict is key! That, at least is my general saying I go bye.

I meant 'good' conflict. Rivalry, factions, that sort of stuff. In character conflict. Smile
DM Drachen
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Half Dragon Character Concept Empty Re: Half Dragon Character Concept

Post  GunpowderHater Wed Jan 02, 2013 7:45 pm

Let's all have a pvp fest! Goods on one side, evils on the other! Harr!

..Chances are goods lose. Anyhow, seriously enough, It's been a while since I got this up and still no reply from ODA. Any Dm can provide me some headsup if there's been development?


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Half Dragon Character Concept Empty Re: Half Dragon Character Concept

Post  Valerion Thu Jan 03, 2013 6:55 am

Well chances are good that good loses *pun intended* We need more neutral and good characters on this server XD
Forum Sage

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