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Tongues and Permanency

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Tongues and Permanency Empty Tongues and Permanency

Post  xkcdapostle Sun Jan 27, 2013 3:01 pm

I'd like to suggest these spells as a possible addition to the custom spells.

Whilst Permanency may seem overpowered at a glance, players should not forget that casters can dispel permanent spells under the DnD specification. Also, permanency may only be applied to certain spells.

Tongues makes it possible for anyone to understand additional languages, though only temporarily! Whether it could be permanent is another matter.

Posting Knave

Number of posts : 13
Registration date : 2013-01-02

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Tongues and Permanency Empty Re: Tongues and Permanency

Post  Shar Mon Jan 28, 2013 8:53 am

xkcdapostle wrote:I'd like to suggest these spells as a possible addition to the custom spells.

Whilst Permanency may seem overpowered at a glance, players should not forget that casters can dispel permanent spells under the DnD specification. Also, permanency may only be applied to certain spells.

Tongues makes it possible for anyone to understand additional languages, though only temporarily! Whether it could be permanent is another matter.

Permanency isn't really a spell... its a meta-magic feat that only apply to some things (wards , items , a few others). Even under good conditions it takes multiple IC Days to use; during which the caster cannot be greatly interrupted OR leave the location of the casting.

i think that if it could be scripted (and that's a big if) then it might be interesting. but before you think your going to overpower a spell or somthing in a combat situation, remember this phrase.

"You know, in hindsight, a 5 Minuit power-up time is PRETTY ABYSMAL in terms of usefulness in combat"
Forum Vizier

Number of posts : 1074
Registration date : 2012-01-15

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Character Name: Ne'Sekoleth
Overall Level: 20

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Tongues and Permanency Empty Re: Tongues and Permanency

Post  xkcdapostle Mon Jan 28, 2013 10:49 am

Permanency isn't really a spell... its a meta-magic feat that only apply to some things (wards , items , a few others). Even under good conditions it takes multiple IC Days to use; during which the caster cannot be greatly interrupted OR leave the location of the casting.

I'm assuming that if you're speaking from referenced material, then it must be regarding something different.
I assure you that this quote is incorrect for I reference the specification for Permanency from here:

Rather than a Meta-magic feat that you vaguely describe.

Posting Knave

Number of posts : 13
Registration date : 2013-01-02

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Tongues and Permanency Empty Re: Tongues and Permanency

Post  Shar Mon Jan 28, 2013 11:08 am

No offence was intended Xk.

And yes its quite possible that my source is out of date as the only reference i have on the spell is a 2nd edition book. So don't get me wrong its not a bad idea. I just don't know how it would be scripted because server resets tend to wipe that stuff.
Forum Vizier

Number of posts : 1074
Registration date : 2012-01-15

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Character Name: Ne'Sekoleth
Overall Level: 20

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Tongues and Permanency Empty Re: Tongues and Permanency

Post  BobbyBrown15 Mon Jan 28, 2013 11:54 am

Shar is right, unless you make a request for a permanent addition to the server in regards to your character such as a place for you to live with wards and the like, it will fade on a reset. So in some aspects it would be hard to implement if at all.
Forum Sage

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