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A Dusty Grimoire

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A Dusty Grimoire Empty A Dusty Grimoire

Post  LordSurge Wed Jun 19, 2013 4:41 pm

Pages within are excerpts from the detailed journals of Zeff Trom, and may be out of order both chronologically and thematically. The book itself is bound in exotic leather and an alloy of various precious metals. The paper is fine vellum, the ink a rather dark blue hue. The script itself (and accompanying sketches and diagrams) is rather neat and precise.
Forum Knight

Number of posts : 151
Registration date : 2010-11-19

Character sheet
Character Name: Zeff Trom
Race: Human
Overall Level: 40

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A Dusty Grimoire Empty On falling into portals.

Post  LordSurge Sat Jun 22, 2013 7:23 pm

A day in the marshes, picking herbs with a friend more skilled with a blade than I. We were wandering unseen amongst the camps of the swamp dwellers. A portal appeared, one not usual to this area, and some Demons poured forth. Their intentions being malicious, they were summarily cut down. More began to pour through, and fell with a bit more effort. Then he slipped and fell in. Attempting to pull him forth with physical effort was my first error. Following him after he was pulled through was my second.

What we found beyond that portal was essentially a plane at war. Demonic and Angelic forces clashed time and again in small fortresses with seemingly no purpose beyond this eternal struggle. The demons were extremely powerful, and so we commissioned a swarthy merchant fellow to craft us a cannon for protection. Gressle, that was a heavy burden to bear in my pack. The price was high but it was an effective means to protect ourselves. For a time.

Days turned into weeks, then months and years. In time we were finally captured, weary and worn down. Demons aren't pleasant captors. Time passed. Eventually we escaped through an unstable portal. We were separated, I still have not found him. I lost much in the tumbling between worlds. When I emerged in the somewhat familiar lands of Dohral, all the friends I had known were gone. My home was not present. Something was amiss.
Forum Knight

Number of posts : 151
Registration date : 2010-11-19

Character sheet
Character Name: Zeff Trom
Race: Human
Overall Level: 40

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A Dusty Grimoire Empty Elric's Efforts

Post  LordSurge Sat Jun 29, 2013 3:12 pm

Several waves of Demons, Trolls, Undead, and Spiders were the selected minions of one Lich Elric. As it turns out, he had an extensive array of minions at his command, and on several occasions has sent them forth to attack Tivook. Casually sending minions after adventurers seemed a silly idea, and so we sought out to find the aims behind his actions.

A mysterious fellow hired us on to explore a swamp-lair. Joining the party of adventurers late, I did not get a good grasp of his appearance or designs. After a trek there by boat, we tracked our way through the swamps and several large lizardman camps into the lair. Once within we noticed strange goings on: Trolls attacking the lizardmen within. As it turns out, they were minions of Elric who were after an artifact that three Lich-Lizard-Folk possessed. we managed to take care of the liches and abscond with the legendary soul drinking blade, and subsequently left the blade in the care of the High Priest of Gressles.

After a few excursions and side treks, it came to my attention his aim was to collect artifacts for the purpose of inviting an otherworldly god into our realm via a powerful gate. So the next time he made his presence known, we set out to disrupt him. A horde of demons, trolls, spiders, and other foul creatures stood in our path but we slew and snuck our way through the gauntlet. We made our way to the caverns where his lair was purported to be fighting and sneaking in alternation. Time was of the essence, as a shadow approached from the north, and strange omens kept appearing.

A celestial being appeared, informing the others of the name of the being he wished to call into this world: Vecna. He also mentioned that Elric had the service of a Dracolich through capture of his phylactery. A powerful guardian the likes of which I had not faced for some time. Several times on the eve of defeat he teleported away to safety. Finally we crashed through his defenses and down to the second level of the ruins. After some searching and dealing with more spiders, we came across the ritual room where it seemed the ritual had already gone off.

It seemed we were too late, as Vecna himself awaited us, fighting the minions of Elric. His aura of deific power rendered him immune to our spells and attacks, so it seemed a hopeless cause for a time. Eventually though, the gods of this realm stripped him of that Aegis and we were able to destroy the avatar he had created in this realm. It was quite a battle, exhausting in many ways. Still, it seems the plans of Elric have been put to a stop for now. He is missing, presumed destroyed by Vecna but who can say truly. We escaped with a handful of items from his vaults, and the inn was still in one piece.
Forum Knight

Number of posts : 151
Registration date : 2010-11-19

Character sheet
Character Name: Zeff Trom
Race: Human
Overall Level: 40

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A Dusty Grimoire Empty Elric's Efforts

Post  Silver Oak Sat Jun 29, 2013 3:24 pm

The demise ? Of Elric:

Players: Sasha,Zeff,Aria,Grace in the final fight.

Please note I used input from many players and dms on the actions as well the numbers of liches being dominated by Elric.
Also as per Oda The ability to teleport with out error till Zeff manged to nail Vecna who at the time was fighting all the gods as well their minions with a force cage holding him in place. Vecana stripped of all his protections was vunerable to this magic. I had no intention of letting them even fight but excellent rp custom spells amassing rolls by players to even hit these things allowed the event to unfold as stated above.

I am impressed with all the players here, those current as well visiting.........I totally enjoyed the event from a dm standpoint.


Zeff:Wreathed in insane magic stood toe to toe with many liches besting them all, then by all the gods a dracolich. Fighting a running battle protecting Grace Aria as well Sasha dodging falling rocks they chased the mighty beast.
After a running battle with the dracolich using teleport with out error they penetrated the The caves to the ruins below.
Sasha: never faltered, digging in and staying calm in fights that would have sent most screaming.
Aria: An Archer straight out of the ages......running jumping dodging mixed forces forces from hell it self. Those arrows always finding the weak points, even the dead, severing limbs.
Grace: Some how using nature at each turn and showing an almost animalistic power an endurance one would expect from some woodland beast.

As the draco lich fell,there right behind it standing wreathed in purple fire every spell known humming in the air the lich god Vecna stood.
Our band of adventures actually went silent for a full minute then a few mentioned words best not spoken here.

Zeff frowned and tensed unleashing spells most in the realm had never even known existed......each spell shattering on the shields of the Lich God.
Grace growled and charged followed by Aria dropping to a knee arrows flying two, three at a time shattering as well.
Sasha charged just behind Grace knowing life would soon be draining from her body.

Vecna*slowly looked up and laughed* followed by a flash, by complete chance one of Zeffs strongest spells formed around the lich. Zeff knowing he could not breach the mighty god shields used his intelligence to form a force cage around the lich God.

The mighty god spoke and each heard it echo off the walls like thundar"Fools how dare you challenge me* Then a flash of pure white light appeared above the God, driving it to its knees. Like lighting shattering a wagon, his shields shredded and a mighty yell ensued as each spell and shield was ripped from Vecna.

The cage was torn to bits, the lich driven to its knees finely showing concern, spitting out a word and disappearing from the spot with a huge thunder clap.
Each turned to Zeff confusion on there brows. Zeff said"Now spread out find the fiend that light was divine, the gods have joined the battle."

As they ran through the ruins sounds of battle ..chanting spells going off clerical as well as magical. Turning the corner they saw Vecna throwing celestials like children to the walls killing them with looks and spells. Using the distraction Zeff braced him self and began to chant, The other surrounded the fiend and began to hammer away. Because the realm Gods had stripped the God of its shields slowly the damage began to show. Over and over the lich teleported but in a new plane it could not get beyond Zeff and his spells each shredding and attempting to hold the god assaulted on all side still for his companions to finish the fight. Then silence as the friends dropped to their knees gasping for breath as the mighty foe slowly fell to the ground never to move again. The celestials slowly began to gather their fallen. As each adventurer slowly stood around them the carnage was beyond the pale. Powerful beings know to the simple folk as angels lay scattered arms at wrong angles heads torn off. Wings shredded blood everywhere. The companions stood in silence knowing that what they had been a part of , had witnessed might never again be seen again. Then where the God had been defeated by the realm Gods, their servants and our brave adventures, was streaked certain rare elements. Like a blast radius, the merging of the two planes had created rare metals bathed in mighty magic's.
A pile of platinum as well several mighty armors and weapons lay scattered across the floor. And here ends the tale of Elric Tesslic Lich of the realm.

Or is it?

Last edited by Silver Oak on Sat Jun 29, 2013 7:47 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : update)

Silver Oak
Posting Knave

Male Number of posts : 66
Age : 60
Registration date : 2013-04-13

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Character Name: Silver Oak
Race: Elf
Overall Level: 14

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