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How to Force NWN to use more cores & even RAM!

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How to Force NWN to use more cores & even RAM! Empty How to Force NWN to use more cores & even RAM!

Post  Shar Fri Nov 15, 2013 3:01 pm

Go tw NWNPlayer.ini and change this value.

NWNPleyer.ini wrote:Client CPU Affinity=0
To the number of cores your PC has. DON'T TELL IT MORE!
Then in the same file change this.

NWNPlayer.ini wrote:Max Memory Usage=256
so that its as much memory (in megabytes) as you want nwn to be able to use. I have only ever upped it to 512 myself but i don't see why it cant be higher.
Forum Vizier

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How to Force NWN to use more cores & even RAM! Empty Re: How to Force NWN to use more cores & even RAM!

Post  GM_ODA Fri Nov 15, 2013 6:05 pm

Friend Shar,
I can't speak to the max memory usage part.

NWN was written for ONE CORE. It does not contain the code needed to take advantage of more than one core. I think you will find that your performance will take a hit, and you may even find nwn crashing strangely if you engage this method. Please do keep me posted on the results you get.

Be well. Game on.
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How to Force NWN to use more cores & even RAM! Empty Re: How to Force NWN to use more cores & even RAM!

Post  LordSurge Fri Nov 15, 2013 6:28 pm

I thought the final patch added multi-core functionality?

I guess at least the force-single-core way works, if you're constantly crashing.

Last edited by LordSurge on Fri Nov 15, 2013 6:31 pm; edited 1 time in total
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How to Force NWN to use more cores & even RAM! Empty Re: How to Force NWN to use more cores & even RAM!

Post  Animayhem Fri Nov 15, 2013 6:29 pm

If you have a multicore comp set the Client Cpu affinity = 1. I have a quad core and it works well.
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How to Force NWN to use more cores & even RAM! Empty Re: How to Force NWN to use more cores & even RAM!

Post  Shar Fri Nov 15, 2013 7:28 pm

Animayhem wrote:If you have a multicore comp  set the Client Cpu affinity = 1. I have a quad core and it works well.
Agreed. I have a Hexa-Core setup and although it tends to use one core more heavily then the rest it seems to be working well. also i dont know if the last patch added multicore but considering that setting in the .ini file it seems likley.

I would mention that in cpu affinity it is best to designate the number of logical cores your pc has. I have mine set at 6. mayhem should have theirs set at 4. setting to 1 usualy forces single core in most programs i have seen and 0 is usually default (in this case i would guess it is also 1).
Forum Vizier

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How to Force NWN to use more cores & even RAM! Empty Research!

Post  Shar Fri Nov 15, 2013 9:04 pm

Val and i were doing some testing and while i cannot replicate his crash it may be because of different CPU architectures. For him the game works fine but has a tendency to crash when switching from full screen to windowed mode in a high graphics aria.. minimizing the game seems to work fine however and i believe this problem is due to his GPU being overloaded and unable to offload to the CPU due to the multi-core setting.

I will post results here.. Other's are welcome to do so as well.

PC Specs*

Darkness -
Processor: 6 core 3.2GHz 64-bit (AMD)
Ram: 10GB (+4GB in I-Ram Swap)
NWN Core Affinity is set to 6
NWN Ram use is set to 512

Valerion -
Processor: 2 core 2.53GHz 32-bit (Intel)
Ram: 4GB (+HDD Swapfile)
NWN Core Affinity set to 2
NWN Ram use is 256 (defult)
Forum Vizier

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How to Force NWN to use more cores & even RAM! Empty Re: How to Force NWN to use more cores & even RAM!

Post  Animayhem Fri Nov 15, 2013 11:05 pm

Shar wrote:
Animayhem wrote:If you have a multicore comp  set the Client Cpu affinity = 1. I have a quad core and it works well.
Agreed. I have a Hexa-Core setup and although it tends to use one core more heavily then the rest it seems to be working well. also i dont know if the last patch added multicore but considering that setting in the .ini file it seems likley.

I would mention that in cpu affinity it is best to designate the number of logical cores your pc has. I have mine set at 6. mayhem should have theirs set at 4. setting to 1 usualy forces single core in most programs i have seen and 0 is usually default (in this case i would guess it is also 1).
Why set it to 4? here is the rest of the stats

Desktop Resolution=1024x768
Desktop Color Depth=32
Video Card Type=RDPDD Chained DD
Type=Intel(R) Core(TM) i7 CPU       X 980  @ 3.33GH

My comp 2 TB and 12 ram memory
Forum Oracle

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How to Force NWN to use more cores & even RAM! Empty Re: How to Force NWN to use more cores & even RAM!

Post  Shar Sat Nov 16, 2013 7:31 am

set it to 4 because 4 is the number of logical cores you have. here are what the numbers mean.

Affinity = 0 (default setting, in this case its the same as 1)

Affinity = 1 (forces single core or designates that you have only one core)

Affinity = 2 (designates dual core)

Affinity = 3,4,5,6,etc. (simply tells NWN that you have a X core cpu)

Also Mayheam.

Animayheam wrote:RAM=1024
Desktop Resolution=1024x768
Desktop Color Depth=32
Video Card Type=RDPDD Chained DD
Type=Intel(R) Core(TM) i7 CPU       X 980  @ 3.33GH
Those are mostly graphical values. those CPU's your reading are likley GPU's  (Graphical processing units) which arn't really /that/ much different except that they only work with graphics unless forced by a Cuda or OpenGL code.

for an I7 you actuality have 4 cores with hyper-threading. This means that you have 4 physical cores but 8 logical cores.

The I7 is an epic CPU btw:D 
Forum Vizier

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How to Force NWN to use more cores & even RAM! Empty Re: How to Force NWN to use more cores & even RAM!

Post  Animayhem Sat Nov 16, 2013 10:11 am

Shar wrote:set it to 4 because 4 is the number of logical cores you have. here are what the numbers mean.

Affinity = 0 (default setting, in this case its the same as 1)

Affinity = 1 (forces single core or designates that you have only one core)

Affinity = 2 (designates dual core)

Affinity = 3,4,5,6,etc. (simply tells NWN that you have a X core cpu)

Also Mayheam.

Animayheam wrote:RAM=1024
Desktop Resolution=1024x768
Desktop Color Depth=32
Video Card Type=RDPDD Chained DD
Type=Intel(R) Core(TM) i7 CPU       X 980  @ 3.33GH
Those are mostly graphical values. those CPU's your reading are likley GPU's  (Graphical processing units) which arn't really /that/ much different except that they only work with graphics unless forced by a Cuda or OpenGL code.

for an I7 you actuality have 4 cores with hyper-threading. This means that you have 4 physical cores but 8 logical cores.

The I7 is an epic CPU btw:D 
Thanx. I guess I could set to 4. I will try and see what happens my OS system is Win 7 Ultimate
Forum Oracle

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How to Force NWN to use more cores & even RAM! Empty Re: How to Force NWN to use more cores & even RAM!

Post  heather Mon Nov 18, 2013 8:09 pm

when my friend was working on the original computer with the new things... I think it had 8 cores and when he changed the number it just changed it so nwn used that specific one it sounded like...

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How to Force NWN to use more cores & even RAM! Empty Re: How to Force NWN to use more cores & even RAM!

Post  Shar Tue Nov 19, 2013 7:15 am

heather wrote:when my friend was working on the original computer with the new things... I think it had 8 cores and when he changed the number it just changed it so nwn used that specific one it sounded like...
Sounds like he has a 4 core with hyper-threading. still some specs would be interesting to see.

It will still use 1 core more then the rest no matter what, but it will use the others where before it wont.
Forum Vizier

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How to Force NWN to use more cores & even RAM! Empty Re: How to Force NWN to use more cores & even RAM!

Post  Pyro Fang Tue Nov 19, 2013 11:25 am

Pyro Fang
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How to Force NWN to use more cores & even RAM! Empty Re: How to Force NWN to use more cores & even RAM!

Post  Shar Sun Nov 24, 2013 10:29 am

heather wrote:when my friend was working on the original computer with the new things... I think it had 8 cores and when he changed the number it just changed it so nwn used that specific one it sounded like...
Found out that AMD claims to make a true 8 core CPU now but i am not sure how it will react to NWN because windows itself doesn't handle 8 cores well in windows 7 (no idea if 8 added support).
Forum Vizier

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How to Force NWN to use more cores & even RAM! Empty Re: How to Force NWN to use more cores & even RAM!

Post  heather Sun Nov 24, 2013 7:27 pm

mmm things looked like they were working ok... but recently something broke with the motherboard so will be a while until it can be fixed back to how it was...

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