Neverwinter Nights Multiplayer Server 24x7 Now with NWN and NWN:EE
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Short absence- sorry!

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Short absence- sorry! Empty Short absence- sorry!

Post  Elgate Fri Mar 07, 2014 3:26 am

A friend was in dire need of a place to sleep after a water pipe burst in their student flat, flooding the electrics in the ceiling and soaking the bed and carpet. Obviously not a safe place to sleep or study. As they also have an energy condition that leads to extreme fatigue and joint pain, and the temporary room they were given was at the top of a flight of stairs and half an hours walk away from the university grounds, they needed a better place to stay; so I've offered them my room while I sleep on the couch, as I live smack bang in the middle of the university.

Problem is, the wireless internet in my apartment is terrible and will not support online games, and ideally you need a land line- which we only have one of, and share between us so that we can get our studying and online work done. This means I can't play nwn at night, even if they're asleep and not using the internet, as the land line is only available in the bedrooms, not the living room where I sleep. I can't be slaying dragons next to my friend who needs their sleep.

This means that until their flat is fixed (may take till Wednesday), I probably won't be able to get onto the server. I'll try to keep up to date on the forum and IC posts until then. I may be able to get online on and off, while our schedules during the day mean I have the cable to myself, but at night, study time comes first. If there is a scheduled event, I'm sure they won't mind if I hog the internet for that length of time, but I can't quite predict how our schedule is going to work.
Forum Sage

Female Number of posts : 634
Age : 31
Location : Scotland
Registration date : 2011-01-31

Character sheet
Character Name: Grace Fennerset
Race: Human
Overall Level: 30

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Short absence- sorry! Empty Re: Short absence- sorry!

Post  GM_ODA Fri Mar 07, 2014 6:35 am

Friend Elgate,
Kudos to you for being a good friend. Best wishes to you both. We all look forward to your return, and applaud your heart, it is in the right place.

Be well. Game on.
Forum Oracle

Male Number of posts : 3070
Location : USA East Coast
Registration date : 2008-10-17

Character sheet
Character Name: Firkin Alechugger
Race: Dwarf
Overall Level: 11

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Short absence- sorry! Empty Re: Short absence- sorry!

Post  Hacatsu Fri Mar 07, 2014 8:48 am

Very Happy  You're a good friend Elgate, kudos to you! And be back soon, there's some strange things happening on the grove *looks around suspiciously*  Razz 
Forum Courtier

Male Number of posts : 394
Age : 28
Location : Brazil
Registration date : 2013-12-05

Character sheet
Character Name: Drurazor Urnagahaz
Race: Dwarf
Overall Level: 30

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Short absence- sorry! Empty Re: Short absence- sorry!

Post  Animayhem Fri Mar 07, 2014 10:08 am

GM_ODA wrote:Friend Elgate,
Kudos to you for being a good friend. Best wishes to you both. We all look forward to your return, and applaud your heart, it is in the right place.

Be well. Game on.

Yes, That.
Forum Oracle

Number of posts : 2213
Registration date : 2010-07-11

Character sheet
Character Name: Charia/Arys
Race: Half-Elf
Overall Level: 30/30

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Short absence- sorry! Empty Re: Short absence- sorry!

Post  sploenk Fri Mar 07, 2014 1:08 pm

Best of luck elgate, i just posted a scheduled event i was hoping you would attend upcoming sunday, but you have had your share of bad luck already, so i'm not going to add to that!!!

Be well my friend!

Forum Courtier

Male Number of posts : 257
Age : 46
Location : the Netherlands
Registration date : 2012-10-11

Character sheet
Character Name: Salino Mudenya
Race: Halfling
Overall Level: 36

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Short absence- sorry! Empty Re: Short absence- sorry!

Post  Elgate Wed Mar 12, 2014 10:44 am

Alrighty! My friend's flat is fixed up, so they can move back in, and I no longer have to share my land line or room XD. Should be able to get on more frequently now- although I got an email from the land lady saying that internet will be down on Sunday night for me (10pm GMT 0) and Saturday's are always busy for me. I'll try to get on and be active, as I know a lot of plot lines and intrigues are happening >.>
Forum Sage

Female Number of posts : 634
Age : 31
Location : Scotland
Registration date : 2011-01-31

Character sheet
Character Name: Grace Fennerset
Race: Human
Overall Level: 30

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Short absence- sorry! Empty Re: Short absence- sorry!

Post  Animayhem Wed Mar 12, 2014 11:19 am

Forum Oracle

Number of posts : 2213
Registration date : 2010-07-11

Character sheet
Character Name: Charia/Arys
Race: Half-Elf
Overall Level: 30/30

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