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Humfoodale's streghtens...

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Humfoodale's streghtens... Empty Humfoodale's streghtens...

Post  Hacatsu Sat Dec 27, 2014 2:51 pm

Farmers and ordinary peasants, that's all what consists the Humfoodale province, however, due to recent dangers, and for the good sake of their people, a man named Jax has been training them in the arts of war, teaching them how to defend themselves, and forming the Humfoodale Militia.

Raiders, bandits and whatever threats are now facing a small, but growing resistance in between the people of Humfoodale.
Forum Courtier

Male Number of posts : 394
Age : 28
Location : Brazil
Registration date : 2013-12-05

Character sheet
Character Name: Drurazor Urnagahaz
Race: Dwarf
Overall Level: 30

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