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Ne Lux - Ongoing plot

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Ne Lux  - Ongoing plot Empty Ne Lux - Ongoing plot

Post  kolde Mon Dec 05, 2016 9:19 pm

Ne Lux

The most feared of predators and scourges surface, finding adventurers to play their pawns in a violent struggle.  Who is the true enemy in the multi-factioned war, and what is it they're after?

Recommended Levels: Any
Recommended Alignments: Any (Although unwavering LG may have issues coping with some parties in play)
Recommended Classes: Any (Again, however,  Paladins might struggle to cope)
Style of adventure: Investigative focused with Political and Combat elements
Threat: Can vary from low to high depending on player decisions.
Plot advancement IG: 2%
How to get involved: Be involved with certain players IG, or simply send me a Tell or PM if interested in joining.

Posting Knave

Male Number of posts : 40
Age : 38
Registration date : 2012-03-21

Character sheet
Character Name: Naomi Reaign
Race: Human
Overall Level: 16

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