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A NWN EE "quirk" to be aware

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A NWN EE "quirk" to be aware Empty A NWN EE "quirk" to be aware

Post  BenevolentDevil Sat Sep 08, 2018 9:30 am

I had an issue making a character once here recently, and couldn't figure out why at first.

I forgot I had "subscribed" to another PW override a while back.
That override increased hit points of certain classes, so of course AR scipts here was rejecting the character on trying to level , saying " too many hit points".

- I went to my documents folder, once I figured out I might have a override conflicting. Found them, and deleted.
However, upon logging back in on AR here ... same issue.

This is because of the way STEAM workshop handled "subscriptions" ... steam was automatically replacing the files I deleted.

So be aware if you subbed to other PW content on Steam , you have to go to the workshop and unsubscribe to those, if it causes conflicts elsewhere.
Forum Courtier

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Registration date : 2014-12-17

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Race: Human
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