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BUG REPORT: Last Rest (Spellmoon) Inn

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BUG REPORT: Last Rest (Spellmoon) Inn  Empty BUG REPORT: Last Rest (Spellmoon) Inn

Post  Ragdoll_Knight Wed Aug 25, 2010 3:20 pm

The Property Management Conversation for the innkeeper in the Esrogoth Inn, Last Rest (soon to be spellmoon, once I get my hands on it) is broken, selecting the option "Extend my room arrangements" will bring up the information for a non-exsistant room, Room 0. So while you may have the key for room 4, for example, it will read it as room 0, create a new key for you, and your room will not be extended. The good thing is that it doesnt take any coin from you. "Extend my stay in this room for one year. [Pay 0 Copper]"
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