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Please fix asap - stuck as a zombie

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Please fix asap - stuck as a zombie Empty Please fix asap - stuck as a zombie

Post  AdaonGP Thu Oct 21, 2010 10:55 pm

I was doing a dungeon run with Zaiah and we were fighting zombies/skeletons/vamps....and I got turned into a zombie. Funny at the time, ok great, haha, but the game refuses to turn me back.

I died and respawned - Nothing. Went to my priest and asked for healing - nothing. Zaiah dispelled me - nothing. Then she killed and res'd me - nada. Killed me again and I respawned - well, you get the idea.

It wouldn't be so bad except I'm so SLOW. Zombie has a broken ankle so he just hobbles is so frustrating. If someone could kindly fix me, thank you.
Posting Knave

Male Number of posts : 74
Age : 35
Location : Boston
Registration date : 2010-10-12

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Character Name: Myles Wallskipper
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Please fix asap - stuck as a zombie Empty Re: Please fix asap - stuck as a zombie

Post  AdaonGP Fri Oct 22, 2010 2:57 am

Good news everyone! (in my Farnsworth voice). Upon re-logging it was fixed. *Facepalm* wish I had thought of it sooner. Feel free to delete this topic.
Posting Knave

Male Number of posts : 74
Age : 35
Location : Boston
Registration date : 2010-10-12

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Character Name: Myles Wallskipper
Race: Halfling
Overall Level: 21

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Please fix asap - stuck as a zombie Empty Re: Please fix asap - stuck as a zombie

Post  eve_of_disaster Fri Oct 22, 2010 8:19 am

That happened to an old player I started calling clumpfoot afterwards. It pissed him off immensely in the end so I had to stop doing that, but it was fun as long as it lasted. xD
Forum Courtier

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