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Rest Reset on death

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Rest Reset on death Empty Rest Reset on death

Post  LordSurge Sun Dec 05, 2010 11:45 pm

Please reset the rest timer to allow one to rest after death? If not after death, after respawn then?

HTF is reset, so it sort of makes sense that this timer would be as well.
Forum Knight

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Rest Reset on death Empty Re: Rest Reset on death

Post  Ragdoll_Knight Mon Dec 06, 2010 9:20 am

How is this instead?

When you die, you are sent to the plane of death of your alignment, your Hunger and Thirst are restored (you are being returned to a fully healthy you) but your Fatigue instantly drops to red (desperate to refil, but you can survive for a half a day while you ICly rest if you want) and have the rest scripts Ignore the timer whenever Fatigue is in a half-empty state, since if you were tired enough to be yawning, you'd be tired enough for a nap.
Forum Sage

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