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Spell Components

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Spell Components Empty Spell Components

Post  DM Drachen Sat Jul 06, 2013 3:49 pm

My suggestion:

All spells over level 6 should require spell components. This being spells like Great Thunderclap, Horrid Wilting (Not spells cast once your character is past level 6.) What I would like to see is a single item labeled "Spell Components" that represent components that would be used in casting. Of course, another part of this small system would be an item called a "Spell Component Bag" that holds these components. Essentially, it would have an on use ability that when used on the spell component items it makes them be taken from the PC and increase the charges on the bag.


-Whenever a spell over level 6 is cast, a charge is taken off the spell component bag.
-If there are not enough charges on the bag, the spell cannot be cast and the PC is notified they need more spell components.
-Spell component bag has an activate item property. When targets spell components, they are taken and charges are added to the bag.
DM Drachen
DM Drachen
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Spell Components Empty Re: Spell Components

Post  Animayhem Sat Jul 06, 2013 4:20 pm

I think not messing with standard NWN spells in general best with the exception of timestop, which is being discussed in another thread.

We have so many nice custom spells for all classes to learn which require components.   What really needs to be done outside of the timestop question , is how many times you can cast a custom spell
(also discussed in another thread). It says you memorized it five times but in atually you can only use it three times.

Last edited by Animayhem on Tue Jul 14, 2015 4:52 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Spell Components Empty Re: Spell Components

Post  DM Drachen Sat Jul 06, 2013 7:05 pm

That's definitely the easiest choice. You're definitely right about Timestop needing that modification too. Smile
DM Drachen
DM Drachen
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