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Vilindilieth Felilendil-Treading a Dark Path

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Vilindilieth Felilendil-Treading a Dark Path Empty Vilindilieth Felilendil-Treading a Dark Path

Post  NecropolisV Sun Oct 21, 2012 3:17 am

Age: 120-140(he doesn't remember anymore)
Sex: Male
Race: Moon Elf (Vampire)
Moral View: I do as I please, when I wish to, Anything standing in my way will be obliterated if I can manage it.

Vilindilieth ever since a young child has been astoundingly excessive in his skill for magic, even at a young age he bested kids older than him with his skill. When he started to show promise however he also started showing a natural attunement to necromancy. The pride and hope his parentage felt for him quickly turned to disgust and shame. Vilindilieth being young did not understand and only truly wanted to have his parents proud of him. So he practiced his magic more and more thinking if he could best all of his classmates and maybe even his teachers his parents would be proud. And upon his testing day, he showed all his potential.... for necromancy. Though he showed indeed pure talent in such it horrified the testers and they quickly expelled him from the school of magic. His parents at hearing about his expulsion and for why he was expelled banished him from their household despite his pleas for forgiveness. His father even nearly destroyed Vilindilieth with a spell to scare him off. Vilindilieth feeling pity and sorrow for himself simply sat around in the slums awaiting his death. Though a lone traveler found him laying in an alley and spoke to him "Vilindilieth, those fools don't understand your magic.. they don't understand your talent. Someday you will be greater than all of them. You know what you must do." The man reached down and clasped vilindilieths hand turning his eyes from their natural purple to a blood red. The touch was cold as ice and the mans hand pale as death. His face however was concealed beneath a hood. When Vilindilieth asked his name he only replied "To you my young one I am The Dweller, let it be that for now. Now. go claim your vengeance on that pitiful school of the weaker arcane." Vilindilieth feeling a newer surge of konwledge in his head spoke and cast spells he did not think himself capable of. He went into the school in the darkest of night and slit the throats of all the teachers, unprotected in their arrogance. From there he stole into his families house with passwords through the magical protections that they were foolish not to change and inflicted the same fate upon his family. From there he fled from the city.. A mist enveloped him and he fell to a sleep. When he awoke he was older.. he knew that at least. He had knowledge that he did not know how he came across but somehow had an explanation for every bit of it. He stood outside a city.. a city called Dohral. His eyes glimmered red in the light and he gazed upon it and knew.. this is where he would make his fate, his power would rise here. And anything that got in his way.. would fall. Vilindilieth has not heard from the dweller since, and he has mostly forgotten about him. His red eyes are a remembrance of what he did, what the dweller did for him. The dweller gave him knowledge and left the mark of evil upon his eyes. Vilindilieth would be powerful, but always prey to his thirst, the thirst for more knowledge.

-Vilindilieth actually is only a child in elven years with knowledge and age bestowed upon him by the mysterious dweller.
-Vilindilieths desires comprise truly of escaping his mortal life to a state of powerful immortality. He desires and lusts for further power... And lastly.. but strangely amongst all his chaos and corruption he sought a family.. those he could call loyal and those he could keep close to him. Some may think this his only redeeming quality. But truthfully... what family would claim him?
-He found his immortality in vampirism given to him by Sarafina and is slowly achieving the power, slowly, ever so slowly...
-The dweller, vilindilieth knows truly nothing about him.. other than he gave him all that he has.
-his destructive nature makes him naturally destroy things without a second thought, he truly desires little more than his few goals and makes new ones as he achieves his current ones. Vilindilieth is quick to hate but also believes in those he trusts when he shouldn't. The reason being isn't that its bad for him to believe but when he finds that his belief is betrayed his hatred usually leads to the suffering of the majority more than the individual.

New Member

Male Number of posts : 6
Age : 30
Location : Washington/Kirkland
Registration date : 2012-10-01

Character sheet
Character Name: Vilindilieth Felilendil
Race: Elf
Overall Level: 17

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Vilindilieth Felilendil-Treading a Dark Path Empty Re: Vilindilieth Felilendil-Treading a Dark Path

Post  NecropolisV Sun Oct 21, 2012 3:28 am

Vilindilieth casually flaunts his power, his wicked thoughts and desires fueling his ego and leading him to cause turmoil and death to the unwary who cross him. His unending thirst for blood is increasing with his power and he finds himself with a voracious appetite. Always however.. he is careful to conceal himself as to hide his identity, he may be arrogant but he is not a fool.
New Member

Male Number of posts : 6
Age : 30
Location : Washington/Kirkland
Registration date : 2012-10-01

Character sheet
Character Name: Vilindilieth Felilendil
Race: Elf
Overall Level: 17

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Vilindilieth Felilendil-Treading a Dark Path Empty Re: Vilindilieth Felilendil-Treading a Dark Path

Post  NecropolisV Mon Nov 12, 2012 6:25 pm

[i]Times grow dark.. the world bleaker... the people no longer seem to me as people.. only cattle. I have slept for too long.. thinking...pondering. But no more, now is a time for awakening. Sometimes i lay awake at night pondering about the dweller, why he chose me, why am i here? Tonight I attacked Nailo in the caves, i fed upon his blood but made sure not spread my own blessing to him. It felt good to feed again and even more so that it was not just one of the cattle but one of their stronger ones.... I have not seen Sarafina in a long time nor any of my other bretheren or sisters.. the bat cave is empty, and im starting to wonder what happened to them in my slumber. I saw Bran and Athena today and they spoke to me of an excellent plan! I will begin working on it immediately, soon that pitiful one of resistance will know another meaning of suffering.
New Member

Male Number of posts : 6
Age : 30
Location : Washington/Kirkland
Registration date : 2012-10-01

Character sheet
Character Name: Vilindilieth Felilendil
Race: Elf
Overall Level: 17

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