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Prestigous Class names

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Prestigous Class names Empty Prestigous Class names

Post  Shadowtim3 Fri Feb 01, 2013 7:43 pm

Champion of Torm, Purple Dragon Knight, Red Dragon Desiple . . . grr. Follower! Anyways, you get my point, most of these classes are favorites in one form or another. I have looked in a book I have, 3.5 Dungeon Master Guide, some of these classes have different names. RDD is a regular Dragon follower. I don't know how to spell that d word. XD Some could be changed to be more fitting to the server, Like Champion of Torm to Divine Champion. RDD to Royal Knight. I mean, isn't that what the Cormyrian Purple Dragon Knights are to Cormyr campaign?

I don't know the plans for some of these classes, honestly. Well, the complete plans. I only know that the plan is that they're going to change.
Posting Knave

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Prestigous Class names Empty Re: Prestigous Class names

Post  GM_ODA Sat Feb 02, 2013 8:41 am

Just so you all know, we plan to change things here at some point in the future. We feel there are three classes that do not fit our game world these are: Champion of Torm, Harpers, and Purple Dragon Knight. These classes are all due to be replaced here.

One of these will be replace by a PSIONIST (our custom hak required). We have not settled on which classes will be replacing the other two ... IF YOU HAVE ANY REQUESTS IN THIS REGARD, post them here, and tell us WHY you think the class you recommend should be chosen.


Be well. Game on!
Forum Oracle

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Prestigous Class names Empty Re: Prestigous Class names

Post  BobbyBrown15 Sat Feb 02, 2013 11:07 am

The champion of torm class is fine as it is other than the fact it is clamed to be a champion of torm. Simply altering it to Divine Champion should be enough. And RDD can just be changed to Dragon Disciple for any color dragon they would have a bloodline from and the gains altered accordingly.
Forum Sage

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Overall Level: 28 Total (19 Sorc/9 RDD)

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Prestigous Class names Empty Re: Prestigous Class names

Post  Orinai Sat Feb 02, 2013 11:19 am

Champion of Torm as ive heard suggested here or there should be regarded as Divine Champion.
Ive heard it called other things on other servers(when i encountered custom versions of the class) but feel this is a good title for what the class represents.

Ive always seen the CoT as a divine champion of ANY good/neutral god, not just Torm. One of the reasons is in the class requirements,outside of needing to have a little combat prowess(reflects Torms war on evil) You need only be non-evil. To me, this leaves alot to be interperted by anyone looking at your build in a rp aspect. And usually anyone worth thier salt in rp can portray themself as a champion of thier partucular god, so long as it fits its dogma of course.
Its easy to emulate certain aspects of deities, the "why do you deserve this divine gift? What of my essence do you embody in spirit,mind and body? How does my 'Will' gain by you representing my name?" of why you have chosen the class in your character, so why not go beyond "Torm" to be a champion of.

Obviously certain aspects of the class itself reflects that of a paladin and over all do-gooder in torms name,(Divine Might/Shield, Smite Evil, Sacred Defense), but i imagine those can be altered when the class is modified.

if its possible, could the process of choosing the class determine what abilitys or percs you get?

example: when choosing the Divine Champion you select what Deity you are representing(this takes away the align restriction). upon doing so, you are granted your option to select Divine Might/Shield when granted feats, and are given Sacred Defense and your Smite "Alignment" based off of your deities alignment. This will allow evil characters to become Champions for their gods as well, while keeping the overall nature of what the class is.

Also, keep the Damage per Divine Champion Level of the smite, that way it can still be used in conjuction with paladin, and now Blackguard (for your absolute Good VS Evil divine champions)

As far as the AB +7 and melee weapon focus requirements go, Keep the +7 AB but change the WF to a specific weapon focus(the deities favored weapon). This will help with the Divine Champions Dogma by making it mandatory to "represent" thier chosen god.

i will post on the others as well(PDK in particular), but for now i must go, daddy duty calls. if i was unclear on anything, or if that was just a rambling mess of a, well mess just ask me to clarify . i will if i can.

BobbyBrown15 wrote:The champion of torm class is fine as it is other than the fact it is clamed to be a champion of torm. Simply altering it to Divine Champion should be enough. And RDD can just be changed to Dragon Disciple for any color dragon they would have a bloodline from and the gains altered accordingly.

id have to disagree a little. Evil classes are being neglected. why cant they be a champion of thier gods as well?
personally would like to see the match up between some DC/pally vs a BG/DC talk about a two man war

Forum Knight

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Prestigous Class names Empty Re: Prestigous Class names

Post  BobbyBrown15 Sat Feb 02, 2013 11:25 am

I technically considered blackguard the evil version, but your in depth version i like better.
Forum Sage

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Overall Level: 28 Total (19 Sorc/9 RDD)

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Prestigous Class names Empty Re: Prestigous Class names

Post  Animayhem Sat Feb 02, 2013 11:44 am

BobbyBrown15 wrote:The champion of torm class is fine as it is other than the fact it is clamed to be a champion of torm. Simply altering it to Divine Champion should be enough. And RDD can just be changed to Dragon Disciple for any color dragon they would have a bloodline from and the gains altered accordingly.

Divine Champion works as would dragon disciple. On one of the worlds I play the have changed RDD to the Soulfire Bretheren.

I think since prestige are that and offer perks some effort on behalf of the player should be made to show that indeed they are deicated to that class. One world I play there are two options you can can write to one of the admins a detail discription of why you should be a certain class and if they agree you can start to take levels in it. The other option in this same world is your character gains 'noteriety' and you can tell you have reached it if when you next level you are allowed to choose the class.

The second world requires bio approval and in that bio you have to agin rp why your character should be of that class. If the reason is approved, then you may take levels in it but you must have a minimum of 5 levels.

Both these worlds, unlike here (yes I know you are working on it oda and eri) you can gain decent xp at any level. The world by which you need to write the admin or gain noteriety has active quest givers and various levels of dungeins and such to gain xp. The second world does have quests for lower levels and again dungeons and such to gain xp.
Forum Oracle

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Registration date : 2010-07-11

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Prestigous Class names Empty Re: Prestigous Class names

Post  kain delvin Sat Feb 02, 2013 11:53 am

i agree with all of orani's posts except the alignment thing...evil doer's already have a divine champion for there god, it's called black guard. they even get spells to simulate that, and can summon there gods minions. It's more suited to a DC of an evil god than any amount of tweaking DC will be, and by even trying to make CoT into something for evil doers, will simply make blackguard obsolete.

Oh, and if your adding in a hak to change those then remove blackguards hide requirement. either that or make it a class skill. kinda stupid they require hide but cant further the skill.

kain delvin
Posting Knave

Number of posts : 21
Registration date : 2013-01-20

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Prestigous Class names Empty Evil Classes

Post  Animayhem Sat Feb 02, 2013 12:01 pm

These are some modifications for ebil people from one oif the worlds I play. Naturally if accepted here, they will be suitable edited.


Based on: Nemesis.

A holy warrior totally committed to the worship of Melivar, and through that worship bringing his will to all . The Melivarian Nemesis seeks to spread fear and evil, misery and vengeance to all he meets who are not in the will of his God. Powerful, dark, and ominous beings, forged from the darkness, and serving forever within it.

Fist of Vengeance

Based on: Fist of Vengeance.

While many view the Fists of Vengeance simply as effective if brutal mercenaries, they are in fact templars sworn to the service of their unforgiving deity.

The world is a dark and unforgiving place, or so says the Four Pillars, wherein the strong survive by ruling the weak and forging order from the chaos. To support its dogma, the Church established this elite company of templars and made them available to hire to those whose cause complemented the Church's ultimate goals. The Fists are infamous for their efficient brutality: Nowhere will an employer in need of military aid locate mercenaries more dedicated to ensuring that the rule of law prevails over the forces of anarchy and chaos.

In all instances the Four Pillars objectives are to be administered and only these brutal warriors do it with such Vengeance that Melivar smiles upon them with His personal might.

Flame of Retribution

Based on: Soulfire Brother.

These followers of Melivar tend to be sorcerers; few bards follow the black path that leads to the Lord of Evil. Some have a Draconic heritage but all are inspired by their devotion to Melivar to such an extent that the flaming fire within their souls becomes physically manifest in their bodies. The powers they gain from this are devoted to extending the 4 pillars of misery, fear, evil and vengeance.


Based on: Marshal.

Great commanders of their faith, the Marshals are, without exception, exemplary followers of their deity of choice. Whether in service of a righteous God or a wicked, they lead and inspire others of their faith to promote their deity's causes. While many of them are impressive warriors or spellcasters, all of them are sources of divine inspiration.

Misery's Warrior

Based on: Weapon Master.

Blending expertise, training, and devotion to Melivar, these warriors become a stunning killing machine ready to be used in the war against good and light. Misery's Warriors will use a variety of available weapons, and become more than proficient in the use of their favorite. They become the weapon itself, through their focus. All of their mind, heart, and soul, are dedicated to the destruction and annihilation of what opposes them. Through their prowess, they are able to embody the pillar of evil, and impose the pillars of fear, misery, and vengeance, upon those who travel in the light.

Often these warriors will be seen leading dark forces into great battles with the forces of good, or sometimes they will be cold hearted loners, traveling the world, killing what good they can find, and offering their service to any force which fights by the principles of darkness.


Based on: Soulweaver.

These magical beings are able to temporarily draw the souls of others in to their own flesh for a very limited period of time, allowing them to take the physical form of that victim through out that duration. The pull is typically random, unless they have trained for years and are able to focus their draw on a particular race or being. When the soul is within them it suffers the darkness within the follower, and is tainted by the unnatural energy flowing through out them.

Upon release, once the Corrupter is finished using the form of the stolen being for whatever purpose they had, the soul is returned to its regular body and life goes on for the creature. However, the life it lives may not be the same, for it may carry with it the infestation of negative energy it suffered during the brief encounter. This typically happens to souls of weak minded beings, or those lacking strong faith in any deity. The being will find itself much more evil, lustful, and violent, than it was previously. Over time this curse grows worse, unless they can be cleansed early on by a priest of light.

If they wait too long their soul grows fully corrupted, and they dive in to a life of darkness and despair, forever lost as the being they once were.


Based on: Marshal.

Great commanders of their faith, the Marshals are, without exception, exemplary followers of their deity of choice. Whether in service of a righteous God or a wicked, they lead and inspire others of their faith to promote their deity's causes. While many of them are impressive warriors or spellcasters, all of them are sources of divine inspiration.

Ruined Ministrel

Based on: Ruined Ministrel.

A voice sometimes melodies not of celebration and joy, but of sorrow and grief.

Musicians who revel in these sad laments often fall into the very realm of darkness they create through their lyrics, their mind cast into depression and despair. There, in the abyss, they find solitude. Their creativity is influenced anew, their art evolving into something of a more ill-intent. As the unnatural energy of the Dark Queen infuses with their soul, corruption is spread with every note they sing. Through their Lady's song, life and beauty fall to ruin, and the weak-minded are thrown into the most horrid nightmares.

Yet, servants are bolstered, with even the dead enticed to rise from their graves and dance to the sweet melody.


Based on: Assassin.

These killers aren't primarily concerned about gold, although it's unlikely they will perform a job without some form of payment. For them, the pleasure is in the kill itself. They thrive off of the pain and suffering of others, looking to undo life whenever the opportunity arises. For them, it's a way of displaying their extreme devotion to Karissa by feeding her undead army and undoing the natural life of others.

They can sometimes be troublesome for those who wish to keep the job quiet because they tend to spend a lot of time with their victim, sometimes torturing them at length before finally proceeding with the actual kill, or desecrating the corpse afterwards in reverence to the Dark Queen. This can cause a delay in the time line of the contract, or draw unwanted attention to the execution by authorities. Still, these twisted souls are as deadly as they get, and extremely reliable. It's not often they fail in accomplishing their kill. It's what they live for.

Undead Master

Based on: Undead Master.

The Undead Masters are a sect of extreme necromancers, who seek more than just the understanding and manipulation of undeath; they seek to become one with it. This practice is the only one in existence that can see this transition from life to unlife take place without the intentional influence of Karissa herself. It requires a level of devotion to her domains, dedicated worship of her power, and an extreme study of death in all its detail, to achieve success. Undead Masters live very long lives because they are able to cross over in to the unnatural realm, physically.

Those who have excelled in the art can typically be identified by a slightly undead appearance, such as a rotted limb, or ghoulish skin. The closer they get to bonding with the goddess power over the undead, they more they transform in to one of her most powerful minions. These are the most evil, corrupt, and black of heart amongst all her followers.

Her time in the pantheon is too young still to know for sure, but it is thought by many Undead Masters that centuries of devotion to the art could eventually lead to Lichdom.

For you ebil drow types.

D'aron d'lil Orbb

Based on: Nemesis.

These are the most dedicated of Valsharess' faith just under her priests; the "Knights of the Spider" are those that are tasked to guard the matrons of the houses, the temples of Valsharess, and most important, to hunt down all those that have left house and queen. It is a rare thing for one to be knighted; they must prove their worth to the church and to Valsharess herself. It is said that once picked for this honor, a great test must be preformed and to fail would mean death or worse.

Dothkarn d'lil Har'oloth

Based on: Dothkarn d'lil Har'oloth.

Dothkarn are the males of the races who have sought the powers of the Underdark to serve their Spider Queen to the ultimate limits. They are so devoted that eventually they become Dothkarn themselves. In the beginning of their lives they often appear as impressive-looking males with shriveled skin and glowing white eyes, almost skeletal in frame and all their sinewy muscles can be seen.


Based on: Marshal.

Great commanders of their faith, the Marshals of Caenyr are, without exception, exemplary followers of their deity of choice. Whether in service of a righteous God or a wicked, they lead and inspire others of their faith to promote their deity's causes. While many of them are impressive warriors or spellcasters, all of them are sources of divine inspiration.

Rah d'lil Jabbress

Based on: Aman Cuar.

History cannot erase all things, and thus it is with the Itheril’s past, they were once runners of the woods, elves that took part in the great art of archery. In the darkness of Har’oloth, they had to adapt, and that they did. No other race can wield the great power of archery and the arcane in the dark realm. They have learned to adapt their skills and thus it has become legendary. And blessed by Valsharess for their prowess, they have become known among other itheril as the "Hands of the Mistress".


Based on: Assassin.

Highly skilled and trained in the arts of deceit and murder, the Shades of Valsharess, are trained for one thing only, and that is to bring death to the enemies of the faith. Those chosen for this path are picked at a young age, as their strengths are revealed in rigorous training. For centuries, they are hidden away, taught skills that others only whisper about and few rarely ever see, for it is said you only see a shade, when death is before you. There is a whispered respect for the Shades, and to have knowledge that one is marked for you, is certain death and many Itheril have taken their own lives, then face the deadly arts of the Shade.

General rp idea behind the prestige class from same place. The statement below also applies to the good or neutral classes as well.

Remember that if you decide to pursue a Prestige Class for your character, then that class is your ONLY role-play class, despite what other mechanical classes you may have taken to meet the technical requirements during leveling to get your Prestige levels. Once you go Prestige Class, for any in-character purposes, that is to be role-played as your class. For example, if you were a Bard/Rogue/Shadowdancer, you would consider yourself a Shadowdancer, not a bard or a rogue at all.

The above is just to give ideas and a possible template as this is a unique world in itself. Smile
Forum Oracle

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Registration date : 2010-07-11

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Race: Half-Elf
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Prestigous Class names Empty Re: Prestigous Class names

Post  Orinai Sat Feb 02, 2013 12:59 pm

kain delvin wrote:i agree with all of orani's posts except the alignment thing...evil doer's already have a divine champion for there god, it's called black guard. they even get spells to simulate that, and can summon there gods minions. It's more suited to a DC of an evil god than any amount of tweaking DC will be, and by even trying to make CoT into something for evil doers, will simply make blackguard obsolete.

Oh, and if your adding in a hak to change those then remove blackguards hide requirement. either that or make it a class skill. kinda stupid they require hide but cant further the skill.

i disagree.
BG is the exact counter to the paladin. and actually, BGs are more common than one thinks. they just dont go around flaunting thier cause the way Pallys do. that being said, CoT is add on to the pallys abilitys as the smite and other level based abilities go. BG does not get a power boost (in for of DC)the way pallys do, why?
why does teh evil side of things only get 1 to where the pally gets 2? always seemed off to me.

good knights are usually some sort of pally/fighter buld. the blackguard is the dark knight,(no pun intended)
there are also good/evil clerics for thier divinities. so why do goodies get the extra power that the DC provides? why the edge over evil?

Forum Knight

Male Number of posts : 125
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Registration date : 2009-03-17

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Overall Level: 21

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Prestigous Class names Empty Re: Prestigous Class names

Post  kain delvin Sat Feb 02, 2013 1:48 pm

and i never said they weren't common? that arguement made me stop...

and CoT isn't a powerboost to pally's dc's? what? not a single dc goes up for taking CoT, at most there the same as if you took the same pally level, but half of the pallies abilities dont actually get better with CoT. the reason to take CoT is to be more fighter-esque. If you want to boost BG abilities, take more BG levels...i dont see how making fighter/bg/CoT a viable thing boosts anything other than making the BG less special.

now for clerics. eh, i can see it but the same arguement as above. evil clerics can just as easily go BG(with the removal of the hide prerequisite) as CoT. and they get more spellcasting from it as well as the martial abilities.

leave blackguard as the evil knight and dont try to crowd it out of it's niche.

kain delvin
Posting Knave

Number of posts : 21
Registration date : 2013-01-20

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Prestigous Class names Empty Re: Prestigous Class names

Post  Orinai Sat Feb 02, 2013 9:34 pm

kain delvin wrote:and i never said they weren't common? that arguement made me stop...

and CoT isn't a powerboost to pally's dc's? what? not a single dc goes up for taking CoT, at most there the same as if you took the same pally level, but half of the pallies abilities dont actually get better with CoT. the reason to take CoT is to be more fighter-esque. If you want to boost BG abilities, take more BG levels...i dont see how making fighter/bg/CoT a viable thing boosts anything other than making the BG less special.

now for clerics. eh, i can see it but the same arguement as above. evil clerics can just as easily go BG(with the removal of the hide prerequisite) as CoT. and they get more spellcasting from it as well as the martial abilities.

leave blackguard as the evil knight and dont try to crowd it out of it's niche.

not what i meant. ill explain later.

to be edited

Forum Knight

Male Number of posts : 125
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Location : the armpit of america, the black swamp. toledo ohio
Registration date : 2009-03-17

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Character Name: Eurikai Duenrhae
Race: Human
Overall Level: 21

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