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leveling up problems

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leveling up problems Empty leveling up problems

Post  Pyro Fang Mon Mar 18, 2013 4:10 pm

my char i just made has a problem with lvling up which is caused by the modify item i get every time i lvl up so im wondering if its possible to get an item that can remove the modify item i get every time i lvl it is possible to log to get ride of the item but if i were to forget and lvl anyways no matter what lvl i would am i would drop down to zero

Pyro Fang
Pyro Fang
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leveling up problems Empty Re: leveling up problems

Post  Eriniel Mon Mar 18, 2013 4:35 pm

Admittedly I haven't tested drow, not since long before adding the SR anyway

Not sure why it would revert you to first level though... Unless your levelling from 1 to 2.

Something I will look at that is for sure.
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leveling up problems Empty

Post  Pyro Fang Mon Mar 18, 2013 4:43 pm

it is fro 1 to 2 but i also tried it with when i was going 3 to 4 it shot me down to lvl 1
Pyro Fang
Pyro Fang
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leveling up problems Empty Re: leveling up problems

Post  Badgers_Revolt Tue Mar 19, 2013 7:18 pm

You know I had something like this happen to my older character.

Couldn't level up after ten.

Was a Elven Druid/Ranger.
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