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Some stuff to consider

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Some stuff to consider Empty Some stuff to consider

Post  Little Berde Mon Aug 31, 2009 1:32 pm

1) I realize you are probably trying to keep the sector size consistent but... I think the cities are too large. It might help with lag if the cities maps were smaller. You have huge open areas in the city sectors which isn't necessary.

2) I think you should get rid of potions of speed and heal as they unbalance the game. I would get rid of things that replace magic users and clerics.

Those are just a couple things I've noticed in the couple of days I've been here.

Little Berde
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Some stuff to consider Empty Re: Some stuff to consider

Post  GM_ODA Tue Sep 01, 2009 8:34 pm

Are you experiencing lag? If so, where? Is it reproducable? We try to keep lag at bay, but can't do it without lag reports. Very Happy

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Some stuff to consider Empty Re: Some stuff to consider

Post  Ulrek Wed Sep 09, 2009 1:06 pm

oh no not the heal potion wars again...

look at it this way.... heal potions are less useful with wild magic areas i've had bad things happen even before i played with wild magic Cord with those and wild magic areas....

and plus thay are not in game items thay are only in the DMFI shops as far as i know...

and as for the potions of speed leave those alone thay arent hurting anyone okay heal potions maybe but leave the potions of speed alone for now alrightie?
Posting Knave

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Some stuff to consider Empty Re: Some stuff to consider

Post  Little Berde Thu Sep 10, 2009 11:44 am

I'd look at why people use those items and if it is to replace another class then they really should go bye bye. Let's see, I'm a fighter so I'll take speed potions so I don't need a spell caster and potions of Heal so I don't need a cleric. RP is now severely hindered. Just my opinion.

Little Berde
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Some stuff to consider Empty Re: Some stuff to consider

Post  Ulrek Thu Sep 10, 2009 12:41 pm

okay heal potions maybe.... but keep in mind...

"damn where is a mage one you need one guess i'll just have to use these weak watered down potions of speed and pack a heal potion or two as there is not a cleric in sight"

the lesson.... one you cant bring a mage or a cleric waste money on potions....

and also keep in mind summoning spells act as warriors for the mages that don't taik back and are often alot better than fighters of the same level on a good many servers should thay be taken out for replacing fighters to?
Posting Knave

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