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Inkydark - Garden Gate

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Inkydark - Garden Gate Empty Inkydark - Garden Gate

Post  Gyorpa Fri Jan 22, 2010 6:17 am

Nonworking transition in Inkydark - Garden Gate. The northern one does not work, although it is placed and the "exits" on the west and southern end don't even have transitions.

Area Tag is humfoo35_sel00
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Inkydark - Garden Gate Empty Re: Inkydark - Garden Gate

Post  GM_ODA Fri Jan 22, 2010 8:33 am

Yes, that is a 'stub' or dead end. We've got a couple Guest BUILDERS building several lairs to attach in those locations. Tunnels will eventually lead to- the lair of a goblin tribe, the lair of a trogolodyte tribe, and the lair of a bugbear tribe. It will be LOWBIE heaven. Very Happy

Stay tuned for more information on this ... also PLAYERS, please keep the feedback coming in! If you spot ANYTHING that seems not working or out of the norm, PLEASE POST IT LIKE THIS TO THE FORUMS it is immensely helpful and very much appreciated!

THX to poster!

Be well. Game on.
GM_ODA Very Happy
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