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Smith/Enchanter Wanted

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Smith/Enchanter Wanted Empty Smith/Enchanter Wanted

Post  Shar Wed Dec 18, 2013 10:04 pm

An Eligant notice is nailed to the boards of several places.

"Lord Varren Requests the aid of smiths and enchanters in these lands to aid in his campaign's to rid his realm of unholy creatures. Experience with silver crafting is preferred though enchanters of skill are welcome regardless of skill with a hammer. Payment will be given in full for each ordered item crafted or enchanted & materials will be supplied at the request of the craftier."

(((A Wax seal with the symbol of a wolf is stamped to the bottom of the notice)))
Forum Vizier

Number of posts : 1074
Registration date : 2012-01-15

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Character Name: Ne'Sekoleth
Overall Level: 20

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Smith/Enchanter Wanted Empty Re: Smith/Enchanter Wanted

Post  Animayhem Wed Dec 18, 2013 10:19 pm

*In elegant script a reply is posted*

"I would be honored to assist in this endeavor. I can be reached at the College of Dorhal"


A'rys- Licensed Crafter
Forum Oracle

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Race: Half-Elf
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Smith/Enchanter Wanted Empty Re: Smith/Enchanter Wanted

Post  Animayhem Wed Dec 18, 2013 10:21 pm

*Another reply is posted*

"I would also like to assist. I can add divine damage and protections in addition to crafting of armor and weapons as well. Messages can be left at Tivook in or at the Dorhal College"


Charia, Priestess of Rhenallathan
Forum Oracle

Number of posts : 2213
Registration date : 2010-07-11

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Character Name: Charia/Arys
Race: Half-Elf
Overall Level: 30/30

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Smith/Enchanter Wanted Empty Re: Smith/Enchanter Wanted

Post  Valerion Thu Dec 19, 2013 9:57 am

Blergh bloody forum did not delete my post...

Last edited by Valerion on Thu Dec 19, 2013 12:14 pm; edited 1 time in total
Forum Sage

Male Number of posts : 917
Age : 33
Registration date : 2011-12-24

Character sheet
Character Name: Valerion
Race: Human
Overall Level: 40

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Smith/Enchanter Wanted Empty Re: Smith/Enchanter Wanted

Post  Elgate Thu Dec 19, 2013 11:02 am

I think there has been some name changes in this story line: here's what I made notes of as it went along :
The Hawk- Barron Alfons Darvonson (Dwarven Silver Mine)- Captured in Tivook
The Goat-?
The Wolf -?

Lord Evington (Foreign) and Duke Vermire (Humfoo)- Names given but not sure which is which

So I think Lord Evington is Lord Varren? And is a Lord of a foreign country?

This is of course OOC info for not those who were their at the event.

Grace stands, examining the board, drawn hood hiding the deep frown underneath. She'd been following rumors on 'The Wolf' for a while now, but with him being outside of her druidic territorial responsibilities, in another country entirely, she wasn't free to chase him down as she knew others had done. That he was recruiting in Dohral and Tivook however...

Grace stared hard at the reply given by A'rys. She'd have to meet with her soon, discover what she knew and possibly warn her of what 'unholy creatures' entailed. Grace never found out what happen to 'The Hawk' after he'd been arrested. The Hunter's guild had gone quiet and if there was a trail it was kept hush hush. The druid suspected foul play, but knew little of how the law system worked. Only that the last time one of these men got involved with the public, lycans were burnt alive in the streets.

The woman turns and leaves, no note added and no sign of her being there left. It was never safe to stay in the city long, not after her name was put on the list of known lycans. There was still so many unanswered questions... perhaps now she may be able to get answers.
Forum Sage

Female Number of posts : 634
Age : 31
Location : Scotland
Registration date : 2011-01-31

Character sheet
Character Name: Grace Fennerset
Race: Human
Overall Level: 30

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Smith/Enchanter Wanted Empty Re: Smith/Enchanter Wanted

Post  Absol 13 Thu Dec 19, 2013 11:23 am

*aria stands there and sighs, just what she needed a job opportunity-but the stamp and need for silver craft? This was too odd, and what with the wolf - she nods ands attaches a note*
"I would very much like to help if I could contact the guild, Arcane Masters or ask around at Tivook for me if you are interested.
Signed Aria Lindon"

*Great, Just what she needed, but if it is bad then She can find out what she needs from the inside~ gods dont let it be lycon troubles again...
With that she just walks off again humming a sad tune*
Absol 13
Absol 13
Forum Sage

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Smith/Enchanter Wanted Empty Re: Smith/Enchanter Wanted

Post  Shar Thu Dec 19, 2013 1:36 pm

I think there has been some name changes in this story line: here's what I made notes of as it went along :
The Hawk- Barron Alfons Darvonson (Dwarven Silver Mine)- Captured in Tivook
The Goat-?
The Wolf -?

Lord Evington (Foreign) and Duke Vermire (Humfoo)- Names given but not sure which is which

So I think Lord Evington is Lord Varren? And is a Lord of a foreign country?

This is of course OOC info for not those who were their at the event.

Yes.... Sorry my memory for names has never been very good. It should be Evengton not Verren. My apologies, i will try to refer to that name from this point.
Forum Vizier

Number of posts : 1074
Registration date : 2012-01-15

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Character Name: Ne'Sekoleth
Overall Level: 20

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Smith/Enchanter Wanted Empty Re: Smith/Enchanter Wanted

Post  Elgate Thu Dec 19, 2013 1:39 pm

((He could be 'Varren Evington' Smile and it's simply preference, or sociolect of other factors which mean some people refer to him by his first name or last name. Maybe he's commonly known as 'Lord Varren' and only people who wish to be really respectful or dislike him refer to him by his last name- After all, we've only heard the Barron refer to hi by his last name.)
Forum Sage

Female Number of posts : 634
Age : 31
Location : Scotland
Registration date : 2011-01-31

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Character Name: Grace Fennerset
Race: Human
Overall Level: 30

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Smith/Enchanter Wanted Empty Re: Smith/Enchanter Wanted

Post  Shar Thu Dec 19, 2013 1:47 pm

Elgate wrote:((He could be 'Varren Evington' :)and it's simply preference, or sociolect of other factors which mean some people refer to him by his first name or last name. Maybe he's commonly known as 'Lord Varren' and only people who wish to be really respectful or dislike him refer to him by his last name- After all, we've only heard the Barron refer to hi by his last name.)


I might just do that but either way its the same person.
Forum Vizier

Number of posts : 1074
Registration date : 2012-01-15

Character sheet
Character Name: Ne'Sekoleth
Overall Level: 20

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Smith/Enchanter Wanted Empty Re: Smith/Enchanter Wanted

Post  Animayhem Thu Dec 19, 2013 6:12 pm

Angered at the reason, Charia rips down her posting and puts up another.

" I refuse to do anything to help this lord. He seeks extermination of any and all lycans. I urge all responsible citizens to do the same."


Forum Oracle

Number of posts : 2213
Registration date : 2010-07-11

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Character Name: Charia/Arys
Race: Half-Elf
Overall Level: 30/30

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Smith/Enchanter Wanted Empty Re: Smith/Enchanter Wanted

Post  Animayhem Thu Dec 19, 2013 6:21 pm

Having run into Aria on the college campus, Arys tears down her acceptance as well and signs her name under Charia's notice.

Charia wrote:" I refuse to do anything to help this lord. He seeks extermination of any and all lycans. I urge all responsible citizens to do the same."


Forum Oracle

Number of posts : 2213
Registration date : 2010-07-11

Character sheet
Character Name: Charia/Arys
Race: Half-Elf
Overall Level: 30/30

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Smith/Enchanter Wanted Empty Re: Smith/Enchanter Wanted

Post  Absol 13 Thu Dec 19, 2013 7:24 pm

*aria walks up to the notice and rips it down, -ALL of it- she just sighs and walks off mumbling to herself*
"Nailo, please gods, dont be my Nailo..."
Absol 13
Absol 13
Forum Sage

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Smith/Enchanter Wanted Empty Re: Smith/Enchanter Wanted

Post  Valerion Thu Dec 19, 2013 7:45 pm

*Stapling the his new stock of silver in one of his treasure chests Valerion smiles to himself, this day was more than lucrative, oppurtunity, reputation, and reward all three are promised by his plan. Ressources open up, defenses can be bolstered, rewards in different forms as payment, reputation can be enhanced....this day, had no downside for him at all......except for the blood on his hands that will become more again...but isn't it always that way, and this time...they brought it upon themselves.*
Forum Sage

Male Number of posts : 917
Age : 33
Registration date : 2011-12-24

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Character Name: Valerion
Race: Human
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Smith/Enchanter Wanted Empty Re: Smith/Enchanter Wanted

Post  Hacatsu Sat Dec 21, 2013 12:37 pm

*Jax stares at all the ripped board notes, confused, and sees only A'rys note* -- Well... not my problem... he's the lord of a foreign country, I don't have to worry about it... but, if any lycan comes to be in danger... they're my kin now... right...? *walks away thinking in some way to help*
Forum Courtier

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Smith/Enchanter Wanted Empty Re: Smith/Enchanter Wanted

Post  Valerion Thu Dec 26, 2013 5:24 am

Late, very late, after a lot of pondering, Adrastia appears in three different inns, and on each she pins a note, saying only a few simple words in plain letters.

"Paladin in search for a noble cause, specialised in hunt of evil Werewolves, undead creatures and demonic beasts, offers her help to any who wants to clean the land from the taint of unholy creatures

Blessed in the name of Finshi"
Forum Sage

Male Number of posts : 917
Age : 33
Registration date : 2011-12-24

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