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Wanted Mint

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Wanted Mint Empty Wanted Mint

Post  prinny c Sat Nov 24, 2012 4:14 pm

The Finishi temple is seeking mint's capture for plotting to take over the World. Detaine alive if possible and turn her over to the Finishi Church or To Adrastia.
prinny c
prinny c
Forum Knight

Male Number of posts : 116
Registration date : 2012-07-02

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Wanted Mint Empty Re: Wanted Mint

Post  prinny c Sun Nov 25, 2012 12:59 pm

After investigations are complete. And Mint and several others are questioned Mint is released. The order is withdrawn about her capture but she is put on the watch list until further notice. Still many complaints filter in about the Possiblity of a Fallen Paladin. Investigations continue on this matter.
prinny c
prinny c
Forum Knight

Male Number of posts : 116
Registration date : 2012-07-02

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