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A very plain letter

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A very plain letter Empty A very plain letter

Post  Valerion Tue Jan 28, 2014 8:25 am

A very plain letter, pinned onto the board at any Inn, simple paper, simple ink, nothing special at all and only Saying one simple sentence.

"The hand has no choice but to do as it is told, it is the hreart that carries that burden. But everyone knows the true source of pain is neither the hand nor the heart - it is the mouth, is it not?""
Forum Sage

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A very plain letter Empty Re: A very plain letter

Post  cjc180 Wed Jan 29, 2014 11:45 am

*The simple letter gets vandalized a bit...*

"The hand has no choice but to do as it is told, it is the hreart brain that carries that burden. But everyone knows the true source of pain is neither the hand nor the heart brain - it is the mouth past, is it not?""
Posting Knave

Male Number of posts : 87
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