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Navigating the City of Dohral

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Navigating the City of Dohral Empty Navigating the City of Dohral

Post  GM_ODA Wed Feb 25, 2015 9:05 am

Navigating in the city, even for a newcomer to the port city is EASY.

First off, your PC can watch for the big emblazoned arrows -

BLUE ARROW leads to the College of Dohral
RED ARROW leads to Noob U.
WHITE ARROW leads to nearest barbershop.
YELLOW ARROW leads to nearest military receiving area.

More, your PC can locate the GHOST GUIDE near any MAGIC CARPET DEPOT (one per outdoor Area in Dohral). The GHOST GUIDE listens to TALK channel, so treat it like you would any other PC and TALK TO IT. It will parse your words and offer you guidance to the location in the city that stocks any item you might desire. Thirsty? Ask the GHOST GUIDE about a tavern, or some beer, or wine. Need shelter? Ask about an inn. Need a new sword? Ask about your desired weapon (be specific). The city includes street signs, which can aid you in locating a place you know the name of - if you need to find a street, ask the GHOST GUIDE.

Remember, the city is designed to withstand fires (the founder was a sea captain) so it has broad fire-breaks aka broad avenues that run from the sea to the city wall, all lesser streets lead off of these broad avenues and are often secured by means of guarded gates from one city Area to the next. The Areas are grouped off of the main avenues that run from sea to wall, these are named (from west to east) Algrada - Bolovin - Chonda - Donnel - Egbort (A B C D E). Further these districts are broken down into sub-districts, named for their approximate location within the city, including North - Mid - South and Port. By combining these names you know the name of each Area in the city from Port Algrada to North Egort!
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