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Vectors Unknown - Features of the Rogue Class

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Vectors Unknown - Features of the Rogue Class Empty Vectors Unknown - Features of the Rogue Class

Post  GM_ODA Sat Feb 28, 2015 8:38 am

Here at Argentum Regio, we've expanded the features available to ROGUE characters considerably. While standard NWN allows for a good 'dungeon adventuring rogue' we have gone beyond this to allow for more variety in the sorts of ROGUE and roguish actions you may encounter. Not all ROGUES are dungeon crawlers, some are burglars, others con-artists, some are forgery-experts, others filchers while still different sorts of ROGUE engage in thuggery or other more deadly arts. Here in Dohral, we allow for all sorts of roguish behavior, below, we shed some light on the way it all works.

ROGUE characters are versatile, they live by their skills and wits.

A ROGUE PC has means of LOCOMOTION that others lack, and more, has uses for things that others cannot fathom. Sure, all PCs can climb ropes, but a ROGUE PC can climb one, then nick the rope so the subsequent users have an improved chance of rope breakage with an accompanying fall. Oops. details TBA

ROGUES can use windows here, from the outside to in. Windows allow many features including LISTEN, PEEK THROUGH, BREAK, UNLOCK/LOCK, OPEN/CLOSE, and GO THROUGH WINDOW. Any class PC can use a window from the inside, but only ROGUE PCs can make use of them from the outside.

ROGUES can LOOT ROOMs like no other PC - being able to steal many objects including carpets, dining sets, inkwells, artwork and more. To loot a room of precious placeables, stand near the object desired, target the floor with the RUNESTONE LONG RANGE POWER very nearby - and choose LOOT ROOM option.

More to follow.
Forum Oracle

Male Number of posts : 3071
Location : USA East Coast
Registration date : 2008-10-17

Character sheet
Character Name: Firkin Alechugger
Race: Dwarf
Overall Level: 11

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