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NEW CEP - CEP 2.61 released

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NEW CEP - CEP 2.61 released Empty NEW CEP - CEP 2.61 released

Post  GM_ODA Sun Apr 26, 2015 7:58 am

CEP development again chugs and grinds along.

The latest update is 2.61. WE DO NOT USE IT, but you are free to download and use it - even when logged in here (as it is compatible with the CEP version 2.1 which we DO use here for building this amazing module known as Argentum Regio).

As a reminder, the CEP forum is located here

The CEP 2.61 update is located here

(you must have CEP 2.6 to use CEP 2.61)

Forum Oracle

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NEW CEP - CEP 2.61 released Empty Translating 'other' HAKs is a BIG deal

Post  Roger_Dodger Mon Jul 06, 2015 2:53 pm

GM_ODA wrote:Friends,
CEP development again chugs and grinds along.

The latest update is 2.61. WE DO NOT USE IT, but you are free to download and use it - even when logged in here (as it is compatible with the CEP version 2.1 which we DO use here for building this amazing module known as Argentum Regio).

(you must have CEP 2.6 to use CEP 2.61)

I have CEPv2.61 (but NOT CEPv2.1). Using this HAK is causing no problems playing in Dohral. The question is: Will building an area for you cause any problems by my using CEPv2.61? Would it be better to build without ANY use of CEP in the Module, and use just the basic stuff in Aurora?

I have found several mods that I have built long ago. Some of them use entirely different HAKs, (one of them uses CEPv1.10), but may be able to be re-built without them or with the inclusion of v2.61. Finding all the instances of things (placeables, critters, etc.), then finding a replacement is turning into a really BIG deal, and rather frustrating at times. Some of them I have turned into .erfs, then just included (imported) them into a 'clean' copy of the mod.

A little help would be greatly appreciated.

Roger Dodger
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NEW CEP - CEP 2.61 released Empty Re: NEW CEP - CEP 2.61 released

Post  Shar Mon Jul 06, 2015 3:36 pm

Yes... You need 2.1 to build OR you need to only use things that were in the 2.61 version otherwise it can cause problems.
Forum Vizier

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NEW CEP - CEP 2.61 released Empty Re: NEW CEP - CEP 2.61 released

Post  GM_ODA Mon Jul 06, 2015 3:48 pm

Friend Roger_Dodger,
Good question. Yes, to BUILD for our server you must use the CEP2.1 or no hak at all. We are in the process of creating a 'builder module' so having CEP2.1 would be required to make use of that when it is released.

As a PLAYER or DM any CEP 2.1 or better can be used with no problems reported so far.

Running with both is easy (you do have to 'switch between them', but still easy as copy/paste).

Make a folder in your hak folder named cep2.6

CUT all the cep2.6 HAK files and PASTE them into that folder. Do the same thing in your TLK folder, making a folder there named cep26 and CUT/PASTE the CEP2.6 files into it.

NEXT install CEP2.1 - make a folder in your hak folder named CEP21, and CUT/PASTE all the cep2.1 hak files into that folder. Do the same thing in your TLK folder, making a folder there named cep21 and CUT/PASTE the CEP2.1 files into it.

Anytime you want to use cep2.x you would then copy/paste all the hak files from the storage folder to the hak folder and the tlk files from the other storage folder to the TLK folder.

Forum Oracle

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NEW CEP - CEP 2.61 released Empty Re: NEW CEP - CEP 2.61 released

Post  Roger_Dodger Tue Jul 07, 2015 3:48 am

I don't have CEP 2.1. Even worse, its not available as a download any longer, even in the Vault.

I guess I stopped building before CEP 2.0 was even released as the closest thing I have to that is CEP v101b (added to my storage in 2008). The file system of this version is so different that I already know I can't use it. I checked out a nearly complete mod I did with this version, and I may be able to save it by saving the areas and custom stuff as .erfs and inserting them into a new mod.

The hak paks included in CEP 2.1 belong in the hak subdirectory of a Neverwinter Nights installation. Some of these hak paks are optional for individual modules, but a player should have all of them available. For module builders, there is some flexibility in the order of these hak paks when associated with a module, but there are also some aspects of the order that are required. The following table lists the hak paks in a functioning order. (In brief, this order is the "top" hak, followed by the "custom" hak, followed by the remaining haks in alphabetical, but reverse-numeric, order.) A big change from CEP 2.0 is that it is no longer the case that all "additional" hak paks are optional.

CEP 2.1 hak paks
file name description
cep2_top_v21.hak .2da files; required
cep2_custom.hak empty; optional
cep2_add_phenos5.hak riding and flying phenotypes; required
cep2_add_sb_v1.hak additional scripts and blueprints; optional
cep2_core6.hak core CEP content (models, sounds, and portraits); required

cep21_v1: Used by CEP 2.1 modules. (outdated, kept for backwards compatibility)

All of these files (and many more) were contained in the 'CEP v2.60 Full' download. It seems like to make a new version, they have just added to the core files (the latest is core7) plus other files that weren't used at all in the CEP 2.1 version.

So having said all that, can I use only the files for CEP 2.1 that I have and remain compatable with you? If not, I'll have to ask you to shoot me an uncorrupted copy of the original CEPv2.1(.RAR or .7Z) since I couldn't find this version anywhere on the internet (I looked all day).
Forum Knight

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NEW CEP - CEP 2.61 released Empty Re: NEW CEP - CEP 2.61 released

Post  GM_ODA Tue Jul 07, 2015 6:34 am

Roger_Dodger wrote:
All of these files (and many more) were contained in the 'CEP v2.60 Full' download. It seems like to make a new version, they have just added to the core files (the latest is core7) plus other files that weren't used at all in the CEP 2.1 version.

So having said all that, can I use only the files for CEP 2.1 that I have and remain compatable with you? If not, I'll have to ask you to shoot me an uncorrupted copy of the original CEPv2.1(.RAR or .7Z) since I couldn't find this version anywhere on the internet (I looked all day).

Friend Roger Dodger,
While the files are named the same the content is different and it simply does not work that way. You cannot use the files from CEP2.61 to build a module that works as if it were built with CEP2.1.

The only way to build for us is to use CEP 2.1. I have it on hand and can email you a copy, tho I think we should ask the vault people to make cep2.1 available again (I'm sure they have it).

Forum Oracle

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NEW CEP - CEP 2.61 released Empty Re: NEW CEP - CEP 2.61 released

Post  Roger_Dodger Tue Jul 07, 2015 1:38 pm

GM_ODA wrote:
Roger_Dodger wrote:
All of these files (and many more) were contained in the 'CEP v2.60 Full' download. It seems like to make a new version, they have just added to the core files (the latest is core7) plus other files that weren't used at all in the CEP 2.1 version.

So having said all that, can I use only the files for CEP 2.1 that I have and remain compatable with you? If not, I'll have to ask you to shoot me an uncorrupted copy of the original CEPv2.1(.RAR or .7Z) since I couldn't find this version anywhere on the internet (I looked all day).

Friend Roger Dodger,
While the files are named the same the content is different and it simply does not work that way. You cannot use the files from CEP2.61 to build a module that works as if it were built with CEP2.1.

I thought as much, but . . . "Hope springs eternal" Sad Nice try, but no cigar. Evil or Very Mad

The only way to build for us is to use CEP 2.1. I have it on hand and can email you a copy, tho I think we should ask the vault people to make cep2.1 available again (I'm sure they have it).

Indeed, please send soonest. The 'Community' has promised to put it back on the vault, but that was nearly two years ago. I may not live long enough if I have to wait for them. Crying or Very sad

Roger_Dodger wrote:I checked out a nearly complete mod I did with this version, and I may be able to save it by saving the areas and custom stuff as .erfs and inserting them into a new mod.

Will saving .erf files for areas, placeables and critters work as I am thinking it will?? Are associated scripts saved in the .erfs, or do I have to save them separately?

Finally, is the list of CEP2.1 files in the correct order, and is the list complete?

"Curiouser and curiouser", said Alice

Roger Dodger
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NEW CEP - CEP 2.61 released Empty Re: NEW CEP - CEP 2.61 released

Post  GM_ODA Tue Jul 07, 2015 2:05 pm

Friend Roger Dodger,
It MIGHT work - but here is the hurdle you must clear.

Areas have objects that make them up, from the tiles to the creatures to the placeables to the items these objects are either defined in the default NWN resources, or in the custom resources such as everything CEP (or any other hak you can name). This means, if you export an area, and it has something in it from the hak, the module that imports it must have that hak or the object does not show up - and MAY cause trouble too.

CEP2.1 marked a milestone for CEP they pledged that all CEPs to follow would be CEP 2.1 compatible (well, all the ceps in the series 2.x). So if it is built with cep2.1 it can be played by anyone with any cep 2.1 or later (in the cep 2.x series). It does not work the other way around because they add things to later ceps that 2.1 does not have.

I'm sorting thru the email you sent, I need to take it to the windows system to see if I can open the archives (multipart somehow my linux won't touch it tho).

I'll get back to you on your recent email very very soon.

Updating the module today, if we cleared up a problem we had there I'll have more time to devote to reviewing the many recent submissions.


Forum Oracle

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NEW CEP - CEP 2.61 released Empty Re: NEW CEP - CEP 2.61 released

Post  Roger_Dodger Tue Jul 07, 2015 3:53 pm

GM_ODA wrote:Friend Roger Dodger,
It MIGHT work - but here is the hurdle you must clear.

Areas have objects that make them up, from the tiles to the creatures to the placeables to the items these objects are either defined in the default NWN resources, or in the custom resources such as everything CEP (or any other hak you can name). This means, if you export an area, and it has something in it from the hak, the module that imports it must have that hak or the object does not show up - and MAY cause trouble too.

I'll tinker with this (area.erf) to see what works and what won't work into a 'blank' module (NO HAKS), then import the .erfs for placeables, critters and items. "I think" importing .erfs for placeables, etc. 're-writes' the 2da file in the mod/custom palette to give it a proper number. Anyway, we'll see.

CEP2.1 marked a milestone for CEP they pledged that all CEPs to follow would be CEP 2.1 compatible (well, all the ceps in the series 2.x). So if it is built with cep2.1 it can be played by anyone with any cep 2.1 or later (in the cep 2.x series). It does not work the other way around because they add things to later ceps that 2.1 does not have.

If they add stuff AT THE END of the 2da file, all should be well, since these items won't be accessed by the module. If they add stuff in the middle of the 2da numbering system, that WILL cause problems since all of the numbers below the addition will be 'out of order'. In other words, the 'item' shows up in the palette, but the appearance/model will be something else altogether. This is a constant bugaboo with me trying to re-write some of the areas.

I'm sorting thru the email you sent, I need to take it to the windows system to see if I can open the archives (multipart somehow my linux won't touch it tho).

I'm assuming that you have a double-booting system. If so, you're only about the second guy I've met that uses one like this. I understand LINUX has some advantages over Windows, but I have no experience with LINUX at all. My motto: Never mess with another man's rhubarb. Razz Don't even bother with the two crfb.haks. They are only used in the Falcon's Peak module, and then only one of the terrain tilesets. I just thought you might be interested.

I'll get back to you on your recent email very very soon.

Holding my breath . . . Suspect

Updating the module today, if we cleared up a problem we had there I'll have more time to devote to reviewing the many recent submissions.


Roger Dodger
Forum Knight

Male Number of posts : 128
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NEW CEP - CEP 2.61 released Empty Re: NEW CEP - CEP 2.61 released

Post  GM_ODA Tue Jul 07, 2015 8:16 pm

Check your new forum access. Reward at the end of the bread-crumb trail.

Forum Oracle

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