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Argentum Regio Videos Re-Released,a long with all f my other videos.

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Argentum Regio Videos Re-Released,a long with all f my other videos. Empty Argentum Regio Videos Re-Released,a long with all f my other videos.

Post  magnusc0r3 Tue Nov 29, 2016 9:58 pm has been re-released, look for the Argentum Regio section. I had to move before I could get too far with the videos, and do not have fast net anymore, but maybe? Check them out. Share them, I added the Argentum Regio info and links in all of the videos for it, thank you. What a Face
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Argentum Regio Videos Re-Released,a long with all f my other videos. Empty Re: Argentum Regio Videos Re-Released,a long with all f my other videos.

Post  GM_ODA Sat Apr 22, 2017 1:33 pm


Here is the link directly to the Argentum Regio section of Magnu5c0r3 's videos (he has a large collection so this makes easier the task of finding the AR stuff)

KUDOS YOU for making these vids and posting them!

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