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This isn't new, but I'm concerned now. All of the gold I get doesn't show up in my inventory at all.

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This isn't new, but I'm concerned now. All of the gold I get doesn't show up in my inventory at all. Empty This isn't new, but I'm concerned now. All of the gold I get doesn't show up in my inventory at all.

Post  magnusc0r3 Mon Jun 20, 2016 6:18 am

Just like the title says. I loot gold, it says "Received Gold" then says "Lost Gold" does the game not use gold? If so, sorry, but this is only a few issues so far. I'm amazed at how well such a heavily modded game (to the max) works without too many issues. That being said, this gold problem I have seems legit. That Dunge Onmaster (Dung Dongmaster) guy may be stealing it from me, as per our meeting once and a bunch of slips of the tongue. Otheriwise, does the game not use regular gold? Let me know something, thanks.
Posting Knave

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This isn't new, but I'm concerned now. All of the gold I get doesn't show up in my inventory at all. Empty Re: This isn't new, but I'm concerned now. All of the gold I get doesn't show up in my inventory at all.

Post  LadyAloura Mon Jun 20, 2016 9:21 am

the server has a different currency so the gold you loot is changed into that currency and sits in your inventory if you look you will find things like aceiran silver or aceiran copper those are the money in game

Forum Courtier

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This isn't new, but I'm concerned now. All of the gold I get doesn't show up in my inventory at all. Empty Re: This isn't new, but I'm concerned now. All of the gold I get doesn't show up in my inventory at all.

Post  GM_ODA Mon Jun 20, 2016 9:42 am


THIS IS A VERY GOOD QUESTION... Where is my gold?!!

KUDOS for asking.

Yes we use a different money system here. I'm a miser and an old school D&D gamer and I just could NOT bear to spend a whole gold coin on a simple torch. So, anytime you pickup anything in game, all your gold are converted to coins of the realm. Coins come in different types of metal, COPPER, SILVER, GOLD and PLATINUM. Coins also are minted by different countries, some are history and the type of coins you find _could_ be clues in game (e.g. how did these goblins get so many coins minted of silver and bearing the stamp of the dwarven king?).

In game, when your PC picks up 'gold' and the scripts convert that to 'coins' you'll find the coins in your inventory as loose change. this makes it easy to divide gathered loot after an adventure. For your own PC's wealth, you also carry the item known as a PERSONAL FUND aka your purse. YOUR coins go in there, and you can trigger this by using the item. It also allows counting out of coins for payment to another PC or similar use.

I hope this helps answer your questions.

Also, because the default merchant system in NWN is bugged (there is an exploit) to use the standard coins and standard merchants in our server there is only ONE location to do so - that is the DMFI start area (second room after entry) ... center of the south room there is a LEVER ... pull that to cause your coins to revert to GOLD, then get naked - this ensures the bug/exploit cannot be used. For all our other merchants in game, we use custom systems which do not offer such exploits.

Forum Oracle

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This isn't new, but I'm concerned now. All of the gold I get doesn't show up in my inventory at all. Empty Re: This isn't new, but I'm concerned now. All of the gold I get doesn't show up in my inventory at all.

Post  GM_ODA Mon Jun 20, 2016 9:47 am

LadyAloura wrote:the server has a different currency so the gold you loot is changed into that currency and sits in your inventory  if you look you will find things like aceiran silver or aceiran copper those are the money in game

cheers sunny rendeer sunny cheers cheers cheers sunny rendeer sunny cheers cheers cheers

THIS is message number 15,000!!

I would just like to say THANK YOU to Lady Aloura who posted it - and note, IN KEEPING WITH OUR BEST TRADITIONS HERE, it is a post that helps a fellow player answer a question.

KUDOS Lady Aloura and ALL OUR FORUM MEMBERS - this is exactly what makes our server and forum GREAT; you.


Forum Oracle

Male Number of posts : 3070
Location : USA East Coast
Registration date : 2008-10-17

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Character Name: Firkin Alechugger
Race: Dwarf
Overall Level: 11

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This isn't new, but I'm concerned now. All of the gold I get doesn't show up in my inventory at all. Empty Re: This isn't new, but I'm concerned now. All of the gold I get doesn't show up in my inventory at all.

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