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Conceal Item

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Conceal Item Empty Conceal Item

Post  Ragdoll_Knight Fri May 21, 2010 4:36 pm

It seems that targeting an item in your inventory with the runestone allows for an option called Conceal, a player, Virde, has told me that it makes the item disappear, with no way to get it back, just -gone-
Forum Sage

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Conceal Item Empty Re: Conceal Item

Post  eve_of_disaster Fri May 21, 2010 4:49 pm

I tried that with a wand once. I tried to conceal it in my glove and the item disappeared, but then I checked my inventory and it turned out I only wore a bracer so maybe I needed to conceal it in a bracer? o.O

Also, it turned out that Nesaera had the scimitar in his boot after all. You get a unique property on the boots and can use it to get the weapon back.
Forum Courtier

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Conceal Item Empty Re: Conceal Item

Post  Elgate Fri Apr 19, 2013 9:57 am

Sorry to resurrect this post, but it's I guess this belongs here- I used 'conseal' item and hid my amulet in my hair to test it out. Lost that item- read these posts and tried again on a cheap ring and hid it in my belt. Lost the ring, but the belt gained a special ability which I could use to get the ring back. But how do I 'use' my hair in order to get my amulet back?
Forum Sage

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Conceal Item Empty Re: Conceal Item

Post  Elgate Mon Oct 06, 2014 9:34 am

After testing this again- Bracers do indeed seem to have no special ability added to them if you hide anything in them, while other options: sleeves (armour), belt, boots, cloak all get a special ability to give back the item.

However, afterwards, I could not rehide any objects in my sleeve/glove/belt so on. I got the message saying "This item cannot be used to conseal anything".

As such, I haven't been able to test if you can hide and regain multiple items in one article of clothing.

I still am not sure what I target to get something back out of my hair >.>
Forum Sage

Female Number of posts : 634
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