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Standard Item creation feats

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Standard Item creation feats Empty Standard Item creation feats

Post  spiriteternal Fri Jan 20, 2012 7:26 am

Do the standard item creation feats work here? Specifically brew potion because if so, some help on how it works would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks you,

Posting Knave

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Standard Item creation feats Empty Re: Standard Item creation feats

Post  GM_ODA Fri Jan 20, 2012 8:09 am

All the crafting related FEATS and SKILLS factor into our scripts. If you have the WAND FEAT you get a bonus on making them, likewise for BREW -just as an example. It is all in the formulas and nothing a PLAYER/PC needs to worry about as there is no direct access to the SKILL/FEAT but rather it is simply a factor assessed in determining success and quality.

Be well. Game on.
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