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This is related to player homes - But I am not revealing my secret lair

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This is related to player homes - But I am not revealing my secret lair Empty This is related to player homes - But I am not revealing my secret lair

Post  Ronja Sun Sep 02, 2018 10:23 pm

One of my characters has got a secret (or secretish) hidden lair. She also carries around a lot of wardrobe. I was just wondering if it is possible to have persistent storage containers to store such things. I feel it would make more sense in the game also. I am sure others could be interested in such storage too.
Posting Knave

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This is related to player homes - But I am not revealing my secret lair Empty Re: This is related to player homes - But I am not revealing my secret lair

Post  BenevolentDevil Mon Sep 03, 2018 9:07 am

I thought that's what the safes in the bank were for some form of storage... I hadn't ever tried it though.
Forum Courtier

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